Just wondering...I know a lot of JW's that went...but did anyone ever say anything about it that you know of?
Did any JW's think that Disneyland or Disneyworld "Magic" Kingdom was wrong
by tan 10 Replies latest jw friends
Actually I heard the opposite that the Kingdom is very close to the real kingdom in efficiency and cleanliness, that the employees are very close to being like JWs.
And JWs that condemn Harry Potter have no problems watching and having their children watch
Beauty and the Beast
The Little Mermaid
Snow White
Freaky Friday
Shaggy Dog
Yes, blondie, like my hypocrite sister-in-law, who condemned us for watching old 'Scooby Doo' epsodes with it's fake ghosts, but let her kids watch the movies you mention (and extremely violent movies as well.)
There are LOTS of jws working at Disney Land
BlackSwan of Memphis
Never heard of problems with Disneyland, but within the last ten years I was finding more and more jw's who had problems with the disney movies & wizard of oz.
It seems to be a "conscience matter." We were never allowed to watch Disney movies growing up. Other Witnesses we knew did. As a parent today, most Witnesses I know are okay with letting their kids watch it.
The JW rule of thumb seems to be anything you like a real lot becomes wrong cuz, basically, you aren't supposed to enjoy anything too much.
The whole deal with movies is whacked. If you look hard enough, even the most benign film has something you can find fault with. Really, you'd have to give most movies a pass if you are strict in applying all JW rules.
Had a hardcore friend back in the day who was intent on working her way to JW pioneer sainthood but she seemed to have no trouble renting the occassional R-rated flick. Apparently, she rationalized that it was okay because she fast-forwarded through the naughty bits.
BlackSwan of Memphis
The whole deal with movies is whacked. If you look hard enough, even the most benign film has something you can find fault with. Really, you'd have to give most movies a pass if you are strict in applying all JW rules.
About 4 or 5 years ago when people started getting really upset over the harry potter flicks there was a talk at our circuit assembly that mentioned this movie(s). I started thinking about it and realized that Sesame Street would be bad because of the Count and Elmo (he's a monster) and all the other things in it. And so on and so on it goes...
I can confirm. When Disney World opened up, it was a "mistake" to go. Wizard Mickey, tales with witches & sorcerors (Sleepin Beauty, Snow White, Little Mermaid, Haunted Mansion, etc." were all BAD NEWS. Lion King too, (it has the father Simba in heaven after death).
Now, I wear a Mickey Mouse watch.