Other 'superstitions' of JWs (other than fortune cookies)

by Jim_TX 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    no star wars movies - will make kids violent

    no teenage mutant ninja turtles - same reason

    no buying at yard sales, you may let the demons in

    no church sales - same demon thing

    don't say "god bless you" when someone sneezes - superstition and is demonic

    no smurfs - demonic

    no crosses or religious statues or paintings of any kind - these are idols

    no loud ties for the brothers - too worldly and will distract the audience from proper spiritual food

    no playing hangman - you are killing someone

    don't buy anthing used made of "metal", the demons can attach themselves to it

  • Virgochik

    I couldn't watch Casper the friendly ghost, because ghosts are demunz, pretending to be friendly.

    No water pistols, cuz you'll grow up and want a real gun.

    No troll dolls, they are miniature demunz and their evil little eyes will light up and take control of you.

    Couldn't have go-go boots in the sixties; they are imitating street walkers and topless dancers at go-go.clubs.

    No listening to disco or dance music, it encouraged homosexuality. Oops, I listened!

    No crosses or pictures of Jesus in the home, they open the door to demunz.

    Churches are a good place to pick up demunz.

  • free2beme

    I know Witnesses who worked for companies that might end up having contracts that would have them working inside other churches. I know several who would refuse to work there, with the fear that the end may come and they would be a victim of friendly fire.

  • Jim_TX

    Ooooohhhh... these are good! Keep 'em coming...
    RE: "Lucky Charms"
    hahahahahaha I remember these... as kiddos, we weren't allowed to have them as a cereal, either.
    Just recently, when I was on travel with a fella that I know is a JW, we were staying at a La Quinta Motel. They have complimentary breakfasts in the mornings, and one of the items were those small boxes of cereal. Lucky Charms was one of the selections.
    I chided the fella by telling him he could get some Lucky Charms, if he wanted... he didn't. In fact... if I recall correctly, there weren't too many other choices... but he refused to get the Lucky Charms.
    Jim TX

  • TresHappy

    Going to the YMCA - the fact that the C meant Christian kept many folks away.

    Anything remotely having to do with a church -

    The Red Cross, Catholic Charities

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Red smarties! for beetle blood used in colour i think?

    CS 101

  • Caedes


    Believing in god?

    The ban on dungeons and dragons just made me want to play it more! So much so that I ended up working for the company that first imported it into the UK. Anyway enough of my admission to closet nerdism, back to taking the p*ss out of the r&f

  • carla

    My favorite kind of thread!

    What's wrong with Yahtzee?

    Saying jehovah three times is the charm to keep spirits away?! like a magic spell perhaps?

    I know I'm just mean, but my last Lucky Charms check in my house says either they are ok or husband doesn't know about the evil associated with them. He'll eat the whole darn box! Of course I never tell him about the Lucky Charms and jw's, just my own little check point to see how far off the deep end he has gone.

    Would you say some of these silly things are still practiced with today's jw children?

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Red smarties! for beetle blood used in colour i think?

    I've mentioned this before, but it was MARSHMALLOWS (same reason, blood) that were outlawed - must be a British thing.

  • blondie

    What's wrong with Yahtzee?

    Actually JWs can find something wrong with anything as along as it isn't something they want to do.

    Yahtzee uses dice and some JWs connect that with gambling...not too bright JWs or ones that love attention by creating a scene.

    BTW, did you know that goodbye means "God be with you." How is that any different than Gesundheit (good health to you) that many JWs find demonic?


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