Not too long ago in a local congregation in Massachusetts, two people were df'd for telling others about the WTS involvement with the UN...anyone else hear of this happenning in your area? I guess teling othere the truth about the WTS is not allowed either. The lack of honesty and humility in this group never ceases to amaze me. How could this "spirit directed " organization have been so misdirected?
Getting df'd for telling others about the WTS and the UN fiasco
by proandcon 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I guess teling othere the truth about the WTS is not allowed either.
The truth? They can't handle the truth!
Yep it's not allowed.
If its not mentioned in one of their publications then its not allowed to be mentioned.
That's it.
It's a good example proving that the disfellowshipping practice is a means of protecting the authority of the FDS (the GB in other words) from being challenged, in other words it is primarily a political weapon.
Now those people will get shunned and then executed at Armageddon for telling the truth, lol, what a ridiculous god their jehovah is. Anderson also got kicked out for talking too much about child abuse. -
Robert King, the guy who has the e-watchman site, if my memory is correct, was disfellowshipped for that very reason.
That's because you know it aint true Now keep this quiet or get dfd.
The second anyone questions Watchtower. They've become the enemy.
I loved Greendawn's Comment:
Now those people will get shunned and then executed at Armageddon for telling the truth, lol, what a ridiculous god their jehovah is. Anderson also got kicked out for talking too much about child abuse.
Really makes Jehovah's Witnesses God the laughing stock for sure, how utterly stupid they appear to anyone with any reasoning ability left. -
I guess that bodies of elders can vary in their approach. I have made no secret of this info. - direct to the local 'pharisees'. Sister Blues even asked for some stuff to share with her friend in the congo recently too, although she does not view it in the same we do {"anybody can make a mistake "]
So no secret here, but no action.. Could it be that his d/f involved a little more than simply telling the facts of association?
Tell the truth to a JW and you will be accused of having demonz