no church should there..It is just not the right setting for it!
Legolas, we're in agreement.
meljon said:
The kingdom hall is not a church as we know it, gives NOTHING to the community and are very isolated, no one is welcome there without an invite, etcc,,,,,
The KH is open to the public, all are welcome. They'll try to convert you, but anyone is welcome to come to the meetings (unless they come to start trouble).
Okay, so JWs don't have a soup kitchen or a day care, big deal. There's a church in my neigborhood, Presbyterian, and they don't do much themselves. They allow their church to be used for community meetings and they have a rummage sale a couple of times a year, but other than that they don't do anything...and they don't anything that assists me, and I don't care.
To me that church and it's congregation are isolated, because I choose to not associate with them and they don't approach me to worship with them. Nothing wrong there and no big deal.
I do not want them in my community because they are jws --------- plain and simple!
And that's where I say that your prejudice clouds your judgement. How in the hell is a KH going to hurt you more than any other church? Ignore them and they won't bother you. If they come to your door, tell em to go hard is that?
I would make the same stand against a topless or strip club or hells angels club, etc. I am using the rezoning and no tax facts to bring the attention to the people of the community, then they can find out the rest,
Comparing a church building to a strip club or a MC clubhouse shows that you're not thinking this through very well. Spout those sentiments at your town meeting and you're the one they're going to wonder about, not the JWs. Besides, what have the Hell's Angels ever done to you?
Zoning issues, if any, and tax issues would apply to any religion looking to build there, not just JWs.
JWs, whether you like them or not, have as much right to build there as any other religion. I disagree with your reasons and methods for trying to deny them to build there. If the community feels that a church, any church of any religion, shouldn't be built there, then that's a noble cause. To single out one religion from being allowed to build there is discriminatory and prejudiced. People with attitudes and actions like that are no better, maybe worse, than a lot of the JWs who would be going to that KH. Maybe I'd rather have them as a neighbor instead of someone who can't let go of a grudge and wants to make trouble.