Okay. This is a littlebit of quiz but still worth of talking. So, what was the last thing which made you think that JW's are not "the truth"?
I'm trying to collect things, which are crucial points for JW beliefs so I can write something about all of those things. There are lot's of audience of stories like this and very little information, especially in finnish language. :)
My "last drop" was year 607 & 1914 and research on history of those years. They just copied some years from adventists and then changed meanings. I could not believe to their teachings after I started to read Watchtowers with critical eye. I also had some doubts about JW's being only "real christians" and those doubts were leading to serious study of their teachings.
So, tell me what was your "crossroads" :)
What was the "last drop" which made you to leave JW organization?
by Lehtiveli 26 Replies latest jw friends
Maxwell House was "good to the last drop". The "last straw" was not one specific thing. Actually, it was knowing that the Witnesses were simply bullshit. EVERYTHING was silly, really.
When I realized that any and all elders would lie to me to save their ass or the BOE's collective ass...and after seeing that in every congregation I was in I realized it was an institutional flaw, trained into them, or the ones that would not were "deleted."
8 elders deleted last year by the CO because they would no longer be company liars.
I was already having doubts about things but the final straw so to speak was this:
I went to visit an elderly sister at the nursing home who was dying of cancer at 74 years old after almost 35 years as a faithful Witnesses. This lady was always at the meetings, out in service and even auxillary pioneered several months per year. Anyway, she was afraid of dying because she was not sure if she "did enough" for Jehovah so that he will remember her.
Right then and there I felt like a knife pierced me right to my core, and I knew that no matter how many years I perform works in this organization, I will never be sure of my salvation. And I knew I could no longer worship the mean-spirited, demanding, exacting God who is ready to destroy that the Watchtower teaches you about! I mean, who would want to and slave away forever and still believe "you probably will be saved" with the emphasis on "probably".
Now that I am out - I am absolutely sure of my salvation. And I have learned that the real truth about Jehovah who IS LOVE!
Apostate Kate
As I finish reading the last pages of Crisis of Conscience by Ray Fanz, I see my last straw was a little similar to his. It was biblical. I had done something that I should not have done, which was read an entire chapter instead of just the one scripture during a Bible study. That passage was 1 Corinthians 15. It states that we all have a "spirit body" and we will all be changed from the physical to the spiritual.
I was told to renounce that Paul wrote that or else "there was no reason for me to continue as a Witness." I was told to believe exactly what the "faithful and discreet slave" said over the Bible. I honestly said I could not.
When I realized that anyone who wasn't baptized was an "unbeliever". Even though these people, for instance "unbaptized publishers", were going door to door and preaching and the Watchtower would count their TIME along with those considered "believers". I mean, come on now...how can you go to meetings, give talks and go door to door preaching if your don't BELIEVE?
This of course affected my sons marriage to his then fiance' who was raised a JW, was an unbaptized publisher...and was contemplating baptism. My son was "marked"...without any type of warning (not scriptural according to own JW LAWS) and the wedding was boycotted with talks given to two congregations NOT TO ATTEND. People weren't able to use their own conscience or free will to attend a marriage, which by the way, has outlasted several of the weddings everyone went to because both were "believers". These other couples were showered with gifts and money and celebrated...and now they're divorced.
So what really forced us out was that we had proof that the elders made a huge mistake by marking our son WITHOUT WARNING (we have the "marking" talk on tape!!)...but with over a year of arguing with the BIG SHOTS/SNOTS in NY and our local elders...no apology...no discipline of the involved elders.
I absolutely detest religion.
Hmmmmffffffffffffffff....cathy l.
It was the unbecoming behaviour towards an anointed who had been a faithful JW for 50 years and was unlike most JWs was a very decent person that generally disagreed with the GB on all the issues that we disagree, ban on blood transfusions, dictatorial rule, overemphasis on preaching, over demonisation of everything in the world etc.
Now that I am out - I am absolutely sure of my salvation. And I have learned that the real truth about Jehovah who IS LOVE!
That was probably the "last drop" for me , too. When a young pastor's wife told me that she was assured of her salvation and that I could also be assured of my salvation if I would only believe God's Word instead of a demonised cult's lies (her exact words), it really bothered me.
607/587; UN/NGO; Blood is OK in Bulgaria but not in the U.S.; doctrinal flip flops, etc. were problematic but not nearly as much so as being informed that a person could be absolutely sure of their salvation and then seeing it for myself in God's Word.
Like minimus, it wasn't one single thing. It was the confluence of ideas and practices and traditions that seemed overwhelmingly false. However if there is a single thing that bugs more more than anything else, it's the blood ban.
For me it was the Michael Jackson scandal in he '80's when he launched his first hits and I found out he was a JW. Any organization that disfellowships its members for dancing as he did but allowed him to be a member because of his notoriety and money had to be wrong. Then, just recently the NGO WBTS scandal.