He aint heavy - he's my brother..........
Do you think that most "thin"people have hatred towards "heavy" people?
by booker-t 42 Replies latest jw friends
Merry Magdalene
The bottom line is this, making unsolicited comments about other people's bodies, whether fat or thin, ugly or beautiful, is superficial, hurtful, and rude!
Exactly. When I was younger I got teased all the time for being very thin, and it was a bit hurtful even though it never seemed to occur to people that it was. Whatever the reason for the comments, it can make a person overly self-conscious and uncomfortable around other people.
I remember once when I was meeting an old friend's wife for the first time, we were both a little awkward and uncomfortable around each other at first. It came out that she felt overweight and I felt underweight when her husband suggested we all go to the beach together some time. She said to me, "Well, if you don't mind laying next to a beached whale," and I answered, "Not if you don't mind laying next to bleached bones." We both laughed and our discomfort evaporated. We found an odd sense of solidarity, and increased self-acceptance through that small exchange.
congrats on the 65 lbs, booker-t! keep working hard!
It sounds to me like these people you are talking about seem very insecure. I know people who are obsessed with their weight and look absolutely great, but being around them is boring. They are obsessed. At times, they get self-congratulatory about it, too. And the only way to do that is to put other people down. Poor bastards. They actually sound quite miserable, maybe they need to eat something.
I also think thin people wonder why the heavy ones are the way they are. I know I do. I wonder if they just pig out, or if there is a medical reason why they are heavy. My sister is heavy. She was always really thin. But she gained weight from the meds she is on, and cant do a whole lot to stop it. So the ones who make fun, thats just plain stupid. Alot of people think all overweight people are that way cause they eat too much, and thats just not true!
No, but there are a lot of rude people out there who will make fun of people who are heavy.
When I was a Witness, my wife's sister's family were the worst for making fun of fat people. The really weird thing about it is that they were all overweight and obese, and are still that way today. When they would say rude things about someonie who was overweight, I wondered if they ever looked in a mirror.
Personally, I don't find heavy people sexually attractive at all. Yet some people do, and may prefer heavy women over fit women. But just because I'm not attracted sexually to that type of body, I'm still not mean or cruel or rude to them. S4 -
Reading through these comments reinforces what a prickly subject this is
I'm a qualified YMCA General Populations Personal Trainer, part of which is a diploma in 'Nutrition and Weight Management'.
Listen, the NUMBER ONE reason why people gain weight is officially......Lack of PHYSICAL EXERCISE! It is not eating too much. That may sound strange but it's true. Exercise increases our Basal Metabolic Rate (different types of exercise being more effective than others) so if you ingest 3000 calories in a day but only burn off 2500, then by the end of the week you have an excess of 3500 calories, or one extra pound of fat (3500 cals in every pound of fat). It doesn't take long to burn 500 cals with a bit of exercise and THAT is what i think JStalin was alluding to. This is why fat people (what's with the 'heavy'..drop it) incur derision and jibing. An underactive thyroid, which induces slow metabolism enough to make someone obese, is not a common condition.
Very often though, people get fat due to low self esteem and this is more likely the psycological reason behind obesity (comfort eating). This therefore puts the obese person in a self destructive cycle that NEEDS to be broken. This is also why it is VERY CRUEL to jibe.
Being fat and particularly obese is not normal, the body struggles to cope and so it is BLOODY DANGEROUS and needs to be addressed.
If you are overweight, for your own sake, for your loved ones sakes please try and do something about it. Also, tell small minded jibers to PISS OFF!!!
I think for people who have been heavy and then lost weight, they are like the reformed smoker, they have a tendency to have less tollerance because they accomplished their task and they expect everyone else to do it as well.
My sister is on heavy anti-depressants. My mother is on steroids and numerous other drugs. Both of these women were tiny little things until they became heavily medicated. Now both of these women are morbidly obese. My mother does water exercises because she has post polio and cannot work out like most people. She goes to the locat gym with a heated pool 5 times a week. Does it bother me that they are both at risk for health issues associated with their weight, yes, but would I rather they not get help for their depression or pain they suffer with having post polio, no.
To make a blanket statement about why people are heavy is unfair. It is like the gay stereo type - if a man is gay he is effeminate, shallow and has numerous sexual partners with little regard to sexual safety. Most blanket statements which include stereotypes types are unfair as to the group and reflect a less informed orator.
Looking Glass
I presume you refer to my post, saying i made a blanket statement about why people are fat.
If you are then i suggest you READ MY POST AGAIN!
the NUMBER ONE reason why people gain weight is officially......Lack of PHYSICAL EXERCISE! It is not eating too much.
By saying NUMBER ONE it implies that there is a NUMBER TWO, THREE, FOUR and so on. There are therefore other reasons why people are fat, as you describe. NUMBER ONE means, main, primary, first etc and in the context of my statement, negates the possibility of a 'blanket statement'.
Do you also refer to me as 'less informed'? Think before you post!!
If i am not the one you refer to in your post, ignore the above.
G Money
I think many thin people are disgusted at the laziness of larger people. Laziness due to a lack of exercise. There are the 1,000 excuses but success takes hard work whether it is in business or physique. Jared from Subway did it, its not easy, few things in life are. Some people are blessed with good genes, others are not.
Fat people should be fat and proud, not make excuses for a condition that is changeable. I agree it can be a downward spiral with comfot eating. I just call it as I see it. I'm not fat, well ok, I don't have a 6 pack so I am, by my definition, lazy. I accept it because i have the power to change it but being invited out for drinks and missing the gym has made my midsection into a non 6 pack. I accept the truth and have the power to change it and really need to so I can look good on the beach all bronzed and fit! -
Along the lines of Robdar's post, I once had a very overweight female boss. She had long bleach blond hair, and some individuals in the office referred to her as "Miss Piggy". That wasn't nice. But.... this wasn't nice either: I weigh 129 lbs and exercise, and she was always snotty to me, staring at my body snd making snippy comments. So, there's always somebody jealous of somebody else, I guess.
I agree in part with Jstalin; many could put down the chips and sodas and cake, and lose weight through healthy food choices. I have been reminded by my husband, and by a heavy female friend, that healthy eating doesn't work for everybody. I tend to forget this, because it works like a charm for me. I have to remember not everyone is the same. There are those who over eat junk foods, and others who do all the right things, but struggle with a medical condition that has nothing to do with willpower.