Simon said it best, "Assuming that I was right and the show was tied [heading into the final song], you just won 'American Idol'."
Katharine's choices of songs (scan the last one) showed her limited tallent IMHO. I'm sure she will come out of this a winner of sorts, I sure hope she takes some voice training it would do her a world of good. She can barely get through a whole song without getting pitchy.
Taylor on the other hand can make whatever song he sings his own he really has a command of his tallents even when he gets off key he recovers well, that takes tallent again IMHO.
Yay Taylor! I can't wait for tonights show!
Taylor came down the isle and STOPPED RIGHT NEXT TO ME.......I could have touched that georgous purple jacket...I almost passed out!
Lisa I am soooooo jealous! Wow what an awesome experience being there IRL must be, I'm really happy for you! Awesome girl! Very flamboyant choice of a jacket but it sure looked good with his hair. Does he just keep getting better looking or what?!! ~~~Swoon!