That quotation is by a fellow named John Rogers. One of his claims to fame involved writing the script to the movie CATWOMAN. He's obviously marvellously well-qualified to criticize :)
Surely, Terry, you aren't going down the road of criticizing who said it rather than the substance of the argument itself, are you?
No need to lose your sense of humor, Viviane:)
It is simply an observation on the pot calling the kettle 'black.'
Opinions about authors, philosophies, and such can be interesting if they are backed up with particulars because actual conversations can arise on merits. But, snipes and catcalls from the bleachers are merely interruptions and often lead to bad manners.
So far, I've shared not only my personal evaluation, but I posted specific quotations and an interview with the subject of this Topic. I also posted material and particulars about the other philosopher, Mortimer J. Adler. This is was intended to generate civil discourse and to probe ideas, concepts and alternatives.
Now, in response what do we see? Is there discussion? Or, is there peremptory dismissal?
Yo momma is so ugly she . . .
You see, I think it is good to express yourself with alternatives and suggested options for others to consider. If you consider path A to be worthless, then suggested path B and tell why it is better. That sort of thing builds up a community of discourse. But frankly, there is no reason for us to all board an elevator and pass gas just because we can. Then, it becomes a question of whose gas smells the worst:)
About 5 years ago I started a topic on Ayn Rand. Give it a glance and you'll see things haven't changed much.