yep...glad to be finished for a little while. Didn't I read something awhile ago about you going back to school for your Bsc? You go, gurrrl! As far as getting the book club together - you just have to set a time...people will either work around it or they will have to miss it occasionally. There's never a perfect night for everyone. My club is very much 'fun' first...we go to a specific, artsy restaurant (not-to-be-named-here-although-if-you-live-in-Halifax-and-have-a-clue-at-all-you-know-exactly-where-I'm-talking-about), and drink wine, (or whatever your preference is!), eat dinner, and discuss the book. I write up a multiple-choice, somewhat humourous, (at least I find it funny...har!) quiz to start the ball rolling and it goes from there. That's my "secret". :) Seems to work!
What are you reading?
by damselfly 89 Replies latest social entertainment
Hollywood by Charles Bukowski.
Didn't I read something awhile ago about you going back to school for your Bsc? You go, gurrrl!
Actually, I just found out about an hour ago that I was accepted into the BScN program for September... wooohooo me! Now I have to work on setting aside the initial tuition... I'm hoping to be ambitious and do 2 courses per semester. My employer and the provincial government have programs to reimburse me for my tuition, so that is a definite plus! If I can maintain that pace, I'll be done in 3½ years (they've already given me credit for English and for my National Certification, which eliminates a couple of courses from the requirement).
As far as getting the book club together - you just have to set a time...people will either work around it or they will have to miss it occasionally. There's never a perfect night for everyone. My club is very much 'fun' first...we go to a specific, artsy restaurant (not-to-be-named-here-although-if-you-live-in-Halifax-and-have-a-clue-at-all-you-know-exactly-where-I'm-talking-about), and drink wine, (or whatever your preference is!), eat dinner, and discuss the book. I write up a multiple-choice, somewhat humourous, (at least I find it funny...har!) quiz to start the ball rolling and it goes from there. That's my "secret". :) Seems to work!
Thanks for the tips! I'll have to pass along your suggestions to my colleagues! You'll have to send me a PM with the name of your artsy restaurant, so I can be sure to go there next time we visit!
Any book by Peter Hoeg - from Greenland or Finland or one of those REALLY cold Land countries.
Please, people, this man is an AMAZING writer and you would be missing the point of your existance if you didnt read:
"Miss Smillas Feeling for Snow"
"The Woman and the Ape"
Do it.
Do it now.
I want to read The Power of Now. WTF - Havn't you just escaped a weirdo BS cult?
With all due respect, I would have to guess that you haven't read the Power of Now if you think it it has ANYTHING to do with a cult. It has nothing to do with any group or religion or organization. It will simply give you profound insight as to the magnificient depths of your being. What you are and how you can enhance your life experience. It's based on deep insight that is found in the essence of all spiritual teachings-i.e. Buddhism, Christianity, Taosim, Toltec ect. By implementing some of the ideas I personally have grown tremendously. I have a confidence, sense of security, joy and peace I've never before known. A far cry from the fear, guilt and unworthiness that a cult produces. Right now I'm reading Orwell's 1984. Holllllyyy Crap!!! I think the WT cronies may have used it as a blueprint. -
It has nothing to do with any group or religion or organization. It will simply give you profound insight as to the magnificient depths of your being. What you are and how you can enhance your life experience. It's based on deep insight that is found in the essence of all spiritual teachings-i.e. Buddhism, Christianity, Taosim, Toltec ect.
By implementing some of the ideas I personally have grown tremendously. I have a confidence, sense of security, joy and peace I've never before known. A far cry from the fear, guilt and unworthiness that a cult produces.I agree with you entirely, onesong. I would also like to add that The Power of Now will destroy the possibility of ever getting caught in any sort of cult ever. It illuminates how we as individuals become identified with beliefs about who/what we are, and how that identification clouds our real nature. After realizing one's real nature falling into a cult is an impossibility.
Thanks for the input Poppers...btw Eckhart's new book A New Earth builds on the Power of Now and is just as profound and beautifully written.
Thanks for the input Poppers...btw Eckhart's new book A New Earth builds on the Power of Now and is just as profound and beautifully written
Yes, A New Earth is very good. Stillness Speaks is also very powerful, especially when listened to. I would characterize it as a distilled "teaching"; if you are ripe it will take you right into the core of Being, if you are not ripe your mind will think you've been had because it doesn't appear to have much substance to it.
I'm glad to know that there are others here who have discovered Tolle.
Dispatches from the Edge: A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival
By Anderson CooperI'm about 3/4 into this book. Very interesting. I was expecting to see if he "comes out of the closet" in this book. He does make an acknowledgement to his longtime boyfriend, Julio, on page 212.
I found the Power of Now to be ripe for the basis of a cult, and the fevered adoration of Eckhart's fan's on the net... cult-like.
if you are not ripe your mind will think you've been had because it doesn't appear to have much substance to it.
And it's this sort of patronising comment from his acolytes (plus the cost of his therapy) that confirms it.