Scully, are you sure those people deserve a promotion? A zoo environment provides a wide variety of shit - different sizes, shapes, odour, and consistency. That could be too challenging for a bethelite who spent years shovelling the same old shit day after day. Remember, for the most part these are not skilled people we're talking about.
Well Finally-Free, I was thinking along the lines that no matter how you dress it up, no matter how much air-freshener you spray, you can even paint it gold if you want, it's still the same thing, no matter whose arse it exits. Elephants, giraffes, zebras, Fred Franz, Nathan Knorr, Ted Jaracz, Milton Henschel, gorillas, Rutherford, Russell - it all gets pulled out, or drops out, of someone's arse... it shouldn't be that hard to identify... even for people whose skills are somewhat lacking.