And Gospels, like Luke, frankly say that the information contained was gathered from what others have said, and thus were not inspired
to make it fit preconceived ideas
by OpenFireGlass 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
And Gospels, like Luke, frankly say that the information contained was gathered from what others have said, and thus were not inspired
to make it fit preconceived ideas
why does god(if there is one) pick and choose who to bestow his/her/it's holy spirit upon to understand the bible, if we are all his/her/it's children and he/she/it loves us all?
I don't know that he picks or chooses. I think people who have the resources to know god decide weather to know him or not by what they do (study,read, interact).
It's as simple as the one scripture says I believe and confess my belief that Jesus is Lord and died for my sins.
religous org. like wt hate this because why would we need them if it was this simple.
Also I think Satan wants people to think it can't be that easy.( are the 2 related ?)
I also believe that the big A is far off because I think it's going to be very clear as to weather your with God or against God when big A is closer.
The word of God is common sense and based on simplicity, safety and efficiency. The ways of Man defy common sense and are very complicated, dangerous and inefficient.
The only man God can relate to is the one who does his will. I am that only man that God can relate with and operate through. I was taught the bible as a child and I have never read a book and finished near last of 450 in high school. I did both of those things by intention and with intention in order to demonstrate Gods way without being credited with learning Mans way. I am far from stupid, my father is the most book educated person on the planet and my 6 siblings are amoung the leaders in every business and sport catagory. None of them even come close to matching my works or wisdom.
My works as a leader are millions of times more Godly than the works of all of the worlds leaders combined. I use all the principals that the bible was meant to teach but its readers don't understand. I understood the bible when I was 11 and did not memorize any of it because you don't need to, its simple and easy to do things Gods way and it comes naturally when you do as your told to do.
The operating system recomended by Jesus is no lines on the map, no moneychangers and treat everyone as you would yourself. That means standardize, simplify and work smart not hard. Now that "I" has the Internet and tremendous technology I want to work less and enjoy life more. I need one bank and one sales sysytem that is almost totally automated. I do not need a military or a politician I need an organized work force and an Internet computer in every home.
In the world of big US business there is no one who even comes close to doing what I did. I converted chaos and complexity into peace and prosperity everywhere I went.
Please let me show you the way before it is too late for this world.