I read in a recent post that this was the case. Then I went and checked out the first topics- totally right- Simon had actually removed a topic for being apostate-sympathizing.
Too weird!
So: does anyone know the story and how the site changed from pro-JW to the best apostate site around?
I've read a few of the original posts but can't go through all to see when ya'll went to the "dark (light?) side"
This is pretty interesting to me.
This site was originally PRO-JW???
by Kudra 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Judas I.
Perhaps they are the "apostates"?
it is all subjective and simple opinions IMO.
We probablyy won't know until God tells us who is what I suppose.
Maybe we ALL are "apostates" in his eyes.
Big Tex
Simon posted his story and how JWD came about here:
...and then Simon's story continues here:
and here:
It's a pretty amazing read. Enjoy!
-Aude. (Dare to Know...)
cyberdyne systems 101
Just wanted to use this Topic to say a big thank you to Simon for starting this place up, and how useful its been to me.
CS 101
moggy lover
Thanks heaps, Simon. This site has been a great help for those who would have had no other place to go
Judas I.
Thank you Simon!
What? A guy's not allowed to change his mind??
Yes, this board evolved much as the thinking of an exiting JW does. One concept at a time bites the dust.
Yes, we've come a long ways baby!