Having "had" COs for 50 years, I can say that they used to be less programmed than they are now. The WTS has instituted a 2 month training course to make sure they know what the "track" is and refresher courses for older COs to make sure they are still on the track.
I have seen COs that had not been raised JWs and had raised families, working in the real world; I have seen COs that were raised as JWs, went to Bethel, then hit the road as COs, never having been married, had children, or supported themselves in the real world; I have seen COs that were elders for many years in the same congregation, married, no children or children who are adults, who were recruited by the current CO who obviously were stunned and discouraged by the info they learned after becoming a CO and left after only 3 circuits.........
All reach higher levels of access to information...and conversely have more to lose if they walk away.
No, I don't categorize COs or DOs into automatons with no personality. Until we walk in someone's shoes or at least have walked closely by their side, I try very hard not to assess their motives.
I have seen many COs discouraged who leave for "health" reasons, theirs, their spouse's, or older parents'. It is harder and harder to recruit brothers who want to be full-time COs that are physically healthy (don't want a drag on WTS health resources), "obedient" to the WTS in all things (spiritual qualifications). I can see the WTS solving part of this problem and the lack of elders problem by cutting Bethelites loss and sending them back to the local congregatons.