How does the new arrangement work with only 1 Awake released each month but 2 WT’s? When I was “in” you could distribute pairs of magazines of the current issues. Now it seems a little lopsided. How is this working in practice?
1 Awake! + 2 WTs each month?
by cyberguy 10 Replies latest jw friends
I suppose you could order more Awakes, so that you can "pair" them up. Or you could place a WT by itself.
Im going to worry about this all day now
The WTS prints additional copies of the Awake so that the JWs have something to pair with the 2 WT issues.
I was sad to see this change because I featured the Awake more often than the WT because the WT cover was creepy or the articles were of no interest to the non-JW. Many times the person would take just the Awake.
Im going to worry about this all day now
Why don't they just substitute the missing Awake magazine for some other crappy publication? How about all those leftover Revelation books, or staple some crummy tracts together to make a new magazine!
Traditionally, Nos, the WTS uses the month of January to get rid of out-of-date books.
km 1/04 p. 3 Announcements ***Literature offer for January: Any book published prior to 1988 that the congregation may have in stock. If you do not have any of these in stock, please check if nearby congregations have a surplus of older publications on hand that you can use. Congregations that do not have older books may offer Mankind’s Search for God.
And who says they aren't book publishers, not preachers.
Traditionally, Nos, the WTS uses the month of January to get rid of out-of-date books.
That still can't compete with the junk that JWs keep on their bookshelves. My mother has stacks of old mags, books, brochures and tracts. Why not hand them out whenever?
...oh wait, that would be independent thinking, or running ahead of the org.
Actually, they could hand them out whenever, if they had them in their bookbag and reached it and pulled them out.
Many pioneers know how to keep the merchandise moving by putting old magazines in the doors of not-at-homes TM. JWs get embarassed by all the literature/magazines they accumulate. They start by putting them in a closet, then the basement, then the garage. Older books were made with cheap paper that yellows, so can't really be "placed" but superstitious JWs won't throw them away.
I can remember a family that moved to another state and left behind 10 big boxes of older literature. The non-JW family who moved in threw it all away. I wonder if the JW family counted it as placements.
How is this working in practice?
Dunno, maybe these brothers have it figured out:
I made the comment to my wife when Awake went to once a month that I wouldn't be suprised if WT was cut back to once a month also.
If you think about it that would make the most sense in the long term.The WT would have study articles only (for the month) and the Awake would carry all the leftover bits and pieces of BS that would no longer fit there.
They just have to figure a good way to keep the cash flow coming in at the same level...Tithing anyone...