Another @$#%^! witness song stuck in my head!

by nsrn 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissBehave

    I like to end this one like this.....

    We're Jehovah's Witnesses... We Speak Out In Fearlessness... Ours Is The God Of True Propheceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

    And the home of the braaaaaavvvvvvvvveeeeee

  • KW13

    maybe its me but i also hear the cheesey tape recording and the wailing of bro's and sisters when i read the title.

  • under_believer

    Just wanted to send out a big eff you to nsrn. Thanks a lot! Now I have "feeeeeaaar not those who kill the bodeeeeeeeee...... buuuuuuuuuut cannot destroy the soooooooooooooul...... faiiiiiiiithful to the end continuuuuuuuuuueeeee.... I will help you reeeeeeeach your goooooooooooaaaall" stuck in my head.


  • KW13

    "Soldier's of Jah do not seek a life of ease"

  • juni

    NSRN - There is NO pill.

    Only a lobotomy will be successful.

  • Scully

    I think you need to talk to OpenFireGlass and have him introduce you to his "herbal" remedy. If nothing else, you'll laugh your butt off when you start thinking of those stupid songs.

    countdown to 10K ~ 4 more posts!

  • nsrn

    Okay, I am sitting outside laughing out loud--I immediately knew and sang all the songs mentioned--EXCEPT JoJo's. Must be out of the "new" book.

    And I got a double dose as a kid, as my mom played the piano at the hall and practiced ALOT. Even my aborted piano lessons included " our refuge....our whom we trust"

  • greendawn

    Can't you put on your headphones and listen to some decent music? Won't that make the silly JW music vanish away? And those words are so daft. The dubs speak out in fearlessness? If they talk critically about the org they will get kicked out in no time. They don't dare.

  • moomanchu
    Just wanted to send out a big eff you to nsrn. Thanks a lot!


    I got a half dozen kingdom melodies going through my head now after reading your post.


    kiss the son lest god be angry from house to house from door to door this is a most sacred occasion

  • KW13

    "loyal submission in recognition, this to our God we owe"

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