have advise for me?

by mouthy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    I'm thinkin 'ol Tommy has a bigger unit than Mick


  • 68storm

    Gumby, There is a rumour that Mick is not too well endowed. There is no contest between Mick's accomplishments and good ole Tom's. If a had to choose being born again as anyone, I would, without hesitation, choose Mick Jagger. It does not get any better than that, especially if you are a man and adore women. 68storm

  • gumby
    There is a rumour that Mick is not too well endowed. If a had to choose being born again as anyone, I would, without hesitation, choose Mick Jagger.


  • 68storm

    Sorry Gumby,

    I even confuse myself most of the time. Basically, what I was trying to say is that I (Personally) feel that Jagger has had the best of ALL WORLDS and still not close to being done.

    More power to you Sir Mick!!


  • gumby

    68storm....you ain't one a them there gals like Mouthy are ya? You know, the kind who has large 3x4 posters of their dreamboat above their bed ? She's got one of Tom Jones above her bed with this pic of the danged ol gigalo,


  • mouthy

    Oh Thank you Gumby for the picture of Sir Tom I hadnt seen that one .

    As for me getting real worldly lately I believe the scriptures tell me "Be all things to ALL people"I can talk the talk, I can walk the walk.& because I have a Saviour who is a unconditionally LOVING LORD I am sure he shakes his head at some of my replies & thinks ," When I get my hands on her I will have a serious straightning out to do"

  • 68storm

    Hi Grace,

    After all these years, I had no idea that you had the hots for Tommy. I think that I have a pair of gachees that belonged to him. I will give them to you next time I see you.


    I am far from being a skank. I had mentioned that I am a bit homophobic, did I not!. Mick is the only one on this planet that I would consider (After a hole bunch of JD with Keef of course), that has the same plumbing as I.


  • mouthy

    gaches?????What the heck is that.

    No I only talk about Sir Tom to Gumby.... Otherwise I talk about my REAL Hero JESUS

  • gumby

    Mouthy.....I just hate it when you wake up in them spiritual moods! Me thinks Jesus ain't jealous of you and sir Tommy and he don't care if'n you's got a poster of him. Just don't pray to Tommy and it will all be good....cuz Tom only likes e-mails from his fan club and don't like prayers.

    68Storm....boy did I blow it eh? I forgot you was a dude so I read an early post from you in 2001.Woops Had I known you had a dinger...I woulda said stuff different.


  • 68storm

    Gumby! Youre ok by me bud. If I am ever in Cali I'd love to have a cool one with you. It would be nice to go and see Farkel? Is he in the west somewhere? Goddarn these grey moments anyway. 68storm

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