I think you're right.......Par 14 and 15 Shame and that all they know?
Glad I don't bother was a good one to miss. HA HA
by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
I think you're right.......Par 14 and 15 Shame and that all they know?
Glad I don't bother was a good one to miss. HA HA
It has happened to some in our time. You may know of some who were gradually distracted from Christian activities and from the congregation; now they show no inclination to return to Jehovah's service. We certainly hope that such ones will return to Jehovah, but the fact is that pursuing "dead works" can result in the loss of Jehovah's favor and blessing. You can see how sad a development that would be.
This helps explain some of have managed to fade away, despite many years of visible service, and excape pursuit by the congo. Mother has "handled" our situation by pronouncements such as these and the dubs then feel no further need to inquire. Thank you, Watchtower!
Such things may not be sins in themselves. However, do you not see that from the standpoint of everlasting life, those really are "dead works"?
What the hell are they saying? It doesn't make any sense.
Blondie I'm amazed at the time and effort you put into your posts.
Ted, are you all STILL using Hitlers techniques for brainwashing that Rutherford endorsed?
This is some serious insanity written here, brother.
The ultimate insanity is that human adults are endorsing it for their innocent children.
Hands - Jewel
If I could tell the world just one thing it would be that we're all o.k. And not to worry cause worry is wasteful And unless in times like these I won't be made useless I wont be idled with dispair I will gather myself around my faith for light does the darkness most fear My hands are small, I know, but they're not yours they are my own but they're not yours they are my own and I am never broken Poverty stole your golden shoes but it didn't steel your laughter And heartache came to visit me but i knew it wasnt ever after We'll fight, not out of spite for someone must stand up for what's right cause where there's a man who has no voice there our's shall go singing My hands are small, i know, but they're not yours they are my own but they're not yours they are my own and I am never broken In the end only kindness matters In the end only kindness matters I will get down on my knees and I will pray I will get down on my knees and I will pray I will get down on my knees and I will pray My hands are small, I know, but they're not yours they are my own but they're not yours they are my own and I am never broken My hands are small, i know, but they're not yours they are my own but they're not yours they are my own and I am never broken We are never broken We are God's eyes God's hands God's mind We are God's eyes God's hands God's heart We are God's eyes God's hands God's eyes God's hands God's hands
play sample |
song on Yahoo! Music Unlimited |
Thanks again. My ex (who now lives only an hour from me) is pressuring me to go back (for the sake of my son.) Fortunately, Aztec and her son are infuential, too. I would like a little info on some of the upcoming "new releases"
Hi under_believer,
Is it just me, or is this "lesson" much more strongly worded than similar "get to work" "lessons" have been in the past? Does this betray a growing desperation on their part as regards the falling off of field service and donations?
And are they implicitly or explicitly saying that they are a modern-day Haggai, calling the Jews back to action?
I don’t know if it is "stronger" but more frequent. I think the WTS is not seeing the surge of new activity they used to during the campaign before the memorial. The pointless distribution of the invitations for the 2005 DC to people who live 100 or more miles away, is evidence that the real point is to get the sluggish rank and file out in the d2d. I remember the WTS using the Kingdom News campaigns for this…we were even counseled not to stop and talk to anyone who asked a question but to come back later…have to get those tracts out…remembrances of the WTS tactics in the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s when there were less than 1 million JWs worldwide…may be there are only 1 million "active" JWs left, haha.
As to calling the "Jews" to action, the WTS ditched the natural Jews by the late 30’s and only anointed JWs are considered the true Jews today. Jews are consigned to destruction with Christendom.
w66 2/15 p. 119 par. 16 Identifying the Present-Day Beneficiaries ***However, in the year 1932 volumes two and three of the book Vindication were published, dealing with the remaining twenty-four chapters of Ezekiel’s prophecy. By means of these books Jehovah revealed to his people that the prophecies about restoration did not apply to the earthly, natural, circumcised Jews or Israelites, but applied to the faithful remnant of spiritual Israel since the year 1919 C.E.—See Volume Two, from page 253 on to the end.
Thanks, Joe,
In short ('too late' you shout!) never underestimate the value of the work you do here.
I try to do what I can. I was a lurker for 2 years before I posted. One of my mottos is Hang Them With Their Own Words. The WTS is its own worst enemy; its history condemns itself.
Hello, A Paduan,
Because we are the temple of God
This is a point that JWs miss, in the Bible that people, Christians, are the temple of God; not some building and not some "arrangement." I did try to bring that out in the review because as time goes by and there are fewer JW anointed, the WT publications talk less and less about the anointed in detail. If all the 144,000 have been chosen, what is this building the temple they are talking about?
(1 Corinthians 3:16-17) 16
Do YOU not know that YOU people are God’s temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in YOU? 17 If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] YOU people are.
"way God wants it done" = "way WTS wants it done"
Hey UncleGary
, I’m not surprised the "warm Christian brotherhood" struck a chord. It was the "love" that convinced me that I should get out while my naturally sweet nature was not destroyed.Thanks for all you do and best wishes for your better half.
Welcome back, Maverick, I have missed your frequent visits,
They start off reinforceing the historical lie that the WTS was connected with Bible Students of Russell, when in fact the Judge did an illlegal hostile takeover of the physical assets of that group and formed his own. Later he gave this group their name, "Jehovahs Nit-witnesses".
Strangely enough, I have been reading Rutherford’s Books from the early 30’s which he uses as a platform to get rid of the "elective elders", "evil servant", "son of perdition", who honor Russell and won’t go d2d (as if Rutherford ever did!). By that time 75,000 Bible Students left, not wanting to become the JW designation that Rutherford used to make the final separation. The WTS has tried to repair the misconception that they aren’t Christians by renaming one corporation, Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It isn’t working.
Questions to harass the elders, jgnat?
Not really, usually I take my cue from whatever they say; it inspires me and brings back to mind quotes from the WTS. I just keep reading all the WTS publications and making note of the more outrageous statements.
Jesus gets "mentioned" but as an afterthought, a secondary or tertiary part, an impersonal tool that God uses to accomplish his purpose. Remember the WTS has the rank and file trained to believe that they cannot approach Jesus without going through the organization putting themselves ahead of Christ.And don’t we know it from repeated experience, Cathy, that the love is just smoke and mirrors.
Good translation:
I would rephrase this to say: "You can see what a happy development that would be. It would mean more joy and peace in your life. As an added would not have to share in the cold, hypocritical, unloving Christian "brotherhood" anymore"!
Lady Liberty
w87 5/1 p. 27 Looking Back Over 93 Years of Living ***There were eight pages of The Finished Mystery that contained quotations of what prominent figures had adversely declared regarding warfare. Under incitement by the religious organizations of Christendom, Catholic and Protestant, the United States government raised objections, so pages 247-54 were cut out. Thereafter, when The Finished Mystery was offered to the people, an explanation was made to them as to why these pages were missing. The United States government did not remain satisfied with this move, and under further incitement by the religious organizations of the land, it banned the entire seventh volume of Studies in the Scriptures.
Organizationally they remembered their sins, such as compromisingly cutting out pages 247-253 of The Finished Mystery, their seventh volume of Studies in the Scriptures, to please would-be censors, The Watch Tower encouraging its readers to set aside May 30, 1918, as a day of prayer and supplication as requested by the American Congress on April 2 and as proclaimed by President Wilson May 11
W 1918, p. 174.Yes, Severus, many JWs are gone this weekend, even scheduling group camping. Will they have a campfire WT Study? I think not. Some unfortunates will be at the DC running a perfectly good weekend.
Yes, truthseeker, the JWs are loosing steam, no more 1975, 1984, 1994, and now the 1914 generation has been unhooked.
I read something the other day, that when there is a storm coming are people warned by people going door to door or do they use TV, radio, and sirens to warn the people? What is the best way to warn about a disaster?
As to the WTS future existence, I figure some form of it will be around for some time. The Catholic Church has persisted despite the Reformation and more recent hits. The WTS may become a smaller entity though and that has happened in the past.
Welcome, lovelylil, if the real truth offends lurking JWs, they need to take a careful look at the organization they are betting their life on. What is nice about commenters is that I learn a lot too.
Hey Bluesbrother,
Actually what I wondered. Does that mean that the WTS believes that God blesses individual JWs, which ones are worthy, if you aren’t blessed materially does that mean that God is not with you, if you do have a lot materially, does that mean God blessed you and not poor brothers in the Borg?
Just as Jehovah blessed those Jews spiritually and materially
Good point, HB,
"God's continued blessing depends on our doing the work etc"
ANOTHER LIE. God's continued blessing is through his grace, and having faith in Christ.
This is a cult tactic making people believe their future depends on doing the works outlined by a human organization. Leave us and you are a dead person.
Hi Heathen,
The 2 witnesses in Revelation were prophets and could even cause every sort of plague to come about
The WTS teaches that the plagues are the WT publications….ain’t that the truth!
Welcome, cyberguy,
I have NO desire to be in the Watchtower’s service ever again!!!
I second that.
Hey, xjwms,
Busy summer, eh? Lots of reasons to miss the WT meetings. But what about those other meetings?
Yes, willyloman, they make it easy to fade by demonizing inactive people. When I was inactive, only 5 people even called, none of them elders, and all these people were considered "weak" or "different" on the fringe of the social group.
Mother has "handled" our situation by pronouncements such as these and the dubs then feel no further need to inquire. Thank you, Watchtower!
Hey, moomanchu,
Such things may not be sins in themselves. However, do you not see that from the standpoint of everlasting life, those really are "dead works"?
What the hell are they saying? It doesn't make any sense.
Typical WT tactic, leaving open-ended for liberal interpretation and application by the elders and other "mature" ones in the congregation.
Hi, skally,
Actually I think they all dip into the pool of manipulation and obfuscation that has been used by people wanting to control large groups.
The Milgram Experiment after WW2 proved how easily people could be manipulated.
Hello, badger, hope things are continuing to go well in your new location.
would like a little info on some of the upcoming "new releases"
There was a 192-page book released.
I can’t find the title.
Good Comments, EveryoneLove, Blondie