I was thinking of (just popped into my head)..of 2 bible stories. 1. Daniel 6 The story of the king, who had to throw Daniel into the lions pit, but was very unhappy about it. Anyways...Daniel lived and the king threw the conspirators against Daniel into the pit and they gobbled them up before they hit the bottom of the pit. (antitypical meaning) Even though we, as beloved of God, get thrown into the pit (symbolic, lions pit)...God, our King has to allow it..for legal reasons.. But in the end, we will come out okay, and the wicked will pay eventually. 2. Esther 4 - 8 The story in Esther about how Esther had to intervene and talk to the King, because the Jews were going to be attacked. For some reason the king had to allow it..something legal...But he passed a new law, that all the Isrealites were to be forwarned of the attack and they would be armed to protect themselves. In the end, no Isrealite died. (I have to reread the story) a little vague. (antitypical meaning) For legal reasons God has to allow bad things to happen to us... But he arms us and makes it as easy as possible for us to get thru it. I was thinking of (just popped into my head)..of 2 bible stories. I believe the stories in the bible are put there for a reason, and that many have antitypical meanings..
Typical and antitypical bible stories....
by Star Moore 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Many do have antitypical dimensions but the JWs had gone over the top in finding such parallels.
I can recall the near sacrifice of Isaac and the copper serpent raised by Moses in the desert as applying to Jesus. Also the threshing oxen being symbolic of the Christian evangelisers. -
Star Moore
Greendawn... I think the reason that the JW's antitypical stuff is overboard..is because they apply so much to their false doctrine.. and to themselves...
Like, I was reading recently that the 'ark' is the JW org.. BS...
A Paduan
Also the threshing oxen being symbolic of the Christian evangelisers.
That's just something they read by Paul - he plainly explains it - no insight needed there, just a valid bible
(but I don't know that he meant the new type that you see on tv an' all)
Star Moore
I can recall the near sacrifice of Isaac and the copper serpent raised by Moses in the desert as applying to Jesus. Also the threshing oxen being symbolic of the Christian evangelisers.
hey there, I would say the sacrifice of Issac is pretty obviously Jesus' sacrifice, anti-typically. Also the copper serpent seems like the sacrifice...what do you both think? But what is the threshing oxen, thang?
With all due respect - I'm going to puke if I hear antitypical and typical again. Big chunks!Juni ( who is tired and going to bed ) SWEET DREAMS TO ALL OF YOU
I wonder how you might gave answered this question, had we been there??
* w50 6/1 A Mind Freed for Godly Combat ***
22, 23. (a) How, in type and antitype, does the meaning of Gideon’s name have significance? (b) In type and antitype, how do opposers react to the throwing down of Baalism?
What amazes me is that people just accept there are multiple fulfillments of prophecy. What scripture supports that assertion? None that I'm aware of.
Of course it would be different if the story itself were true, which could theoretically lead you to extrapolate 'truisms' therefrom.
However, imagining a fable about a fable is just too far-flung for me.
Star Moore
What amazes me is that people just accept there are multiple fulfillments of prophecy. What scripture supports that assertion?
Hey there: Paul himself started the typ vs. anti typ thing.. note here:
Gal. 4:22 For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl irl and one by the free woman.....vs. 24 These things stand as a symbolic drama, for these women mean 2 covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth chilren fo slaver, and which is Hagar. Now this Hagr means Sinai, a mountain in Arabia and she corresponds with the Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children..............etc.
Heb. 6:20 Jesus, who has become a high priest according to the manner of Melchizedek forever.
Also, in Heb. 8 and 9. The whole chapters are talking about the symbolism.
Heb. 8:5 but which men are rendering sacred seervice in a typical representation and a shadow of the heavenly things; just as Moses, when about to make the tent in completion, was given the divine command: For says he: "See that you make all things after their pattern that was shown to you in the mountain. etc,,,,,