racial profiliing? My dgh in law is moving and they are looking for the best schools in the area, schools that are 'recognized" or better. it is a perfectly fair way to choose your child's school. The data base gives the % of racial groups, how many people in average 3 rd grade class, % of disavantaged children attending, whether the students can pass the standardized tests required by the state and a LOTS more details. it is perfectly legal. It helps us and many others here b/c , we do not want our children in a school where they will not recievie the best education. If the primary grade teachers are so occupied teaching english to the students, then my children will be bored, they already know english. My children need to be in a school that is got a good mix of all ethnic groups so the classroom teachers are not slowed down When people buy a house, this is data people look for , . they want to buy a house in the area where the best schools are at. The best schools are racially diverse but not so much that my child, who speaks English, is held back waitng for a large number of those who do not speak english. I rather think the schools have a better system of determining if you speak or wrtie english other than the last name. .
No I do not hate mexicans. I live in texas, are you kidding, i grew up with them went to school with them, etc. I just want my children/grandchildren ot receive the best educaton and not be held back . Surely you must want that for your kids.
This can be a big problem in some areas here, as when my gkids were in pre-K, almost everyone else there was learning how to speak english. it was very boring for my gkids, and we will see to it it does not happen again. When we checked out the school, we saw the reason for the problem.
You only get on chance at school, so we have to get the best shot me can at it.
This is very popular with people buying houses, b/c part of the reason you buy(or should be ) in a certain area is how the school is rated. I want my child to get a good education and not all schools can provide that.
go to
check it out. you can check your schools i your own neighborhood.