Convention release...192 page book..."Live with Jehovah's day in mind"
by proandcon 44 Replies latest jw friends
"Live with Jehovah's day in mind"
I would like a verification on this book and title. For the WTS to use the word "Jehovah" in the book title is unusual, and it makes me think that this book is not for placing in FS, but a book for the R&F who are straying.
Again, a verification on it would be nice.
Why do you link to that dwsilver-Site? It is only an empty notebook there?
I am sure that I can get a copy as soon as it is released.
Will be interesting reading, I wonder what proof they will give for the idea that we are living close to 'Jehovah's Day'. Most of the recent publications have very poor on proof, making statements such as 'Bible chronology proves', then never backing up with any proof.
My guess is that it will be a book of generalizations and waffle. -
Often they use footnotes where to find the "proof". Then there is just a statement or another footnote. It is sometimes like a paper chase.
Sounds like a book aimed mainly at those who are already JW's. Probably be full of "the end is near" ; "the time is short" type subjects. Warning the rank and file to keep away from us nasty apostates. Stop looking at the internet. Don't believe the lies of the media. etc etc. Telling them they should stay close to "Jehovah's organisation". Young ones forget about further education, as long as you can read and write thats enough. Attend all the meetings. Get out more on field service
They could have saved 191 pages on every book if they'd just asked you to be Editor-in-Chief instead of Jehovah.
Some time ago the society told us to place all the 192 page books that we had in stock even though the material was outdated. Put the donations from all these old 192 page books in the contribution box for the www fund. Anyone remember this? I think they do it every summer @ August.
Hmmm. I find the title very interesting. Notice it says "Live.......with Jehovah's day in mind". Almost saying "live your life, but just remember armageddon is just around the corner". Could this signal a change in philosophy? As opposed to the typical watchtower spew: "Put your life on hold.....armageddon is just around the corner?"
I wonder if this will be a nebulous admission that they dont really know when armageddon will be (and with the 1914 generation change it technically could be at ANY future date) so do "live your life" but keep peddling our literature and obeying our corporation? This would be a different spin. They would be complete fools to stir another hornets nest similar to the 1975 fiasco. I will be very curious to see this latest propaganda piece.
KID-A wrote the above post on his 1914th Post.
I wonder if there is an omen in all of this? Could it be possible that the Kingdom Came in 1914?
Kid-A, I don't take these coincidences lightly.
Interesting that they can tell all of us that we are disfellowshipped for not agreeing with them, but they can categoricalloy announce that "all 192 page books are obsolete" and sell them to people who if they believed it would be believing teachings that are outdated, therefore they are subject to disfellowshipping before they get baptized.
spooky deal.
UNinformed you crack me up.
I think Blondie is right on track. She's been enlightened! Go back to page 1 to her Post.
100 more years. Yep.