Are you afraid of the power of occultists and satanists? Do you think their magical arts can truly harm people? Or are you confident that their power can easily be neutralised by reciting biblical verses or by wearing a crucifix?
I think their power is real but they can't touch you if you have faith in the gospel. So I don't fear being near them or even talking to them.
Satanists, do you fear them or trash them?
by greendawn 40 Replies latest jw friends
I Find Them Entertaining...
I think it's a mistake to lump all occultists with Satanists. If you do any research into neo-paganism and wicca, you will find most are responsible, caring people. True, some are a little weird, but there are plenty of weird Christians, too. I think we know at least one Christian group that fits that description. Do some reading before you label the occult as evil.
I believe their power is real but that like the bible says: if you oppose the devil he will flee from you. So as a Christian and believer in the gospel, Satan has no hold on me whatsoever. I fear him in no way.
I don't judge anyone who is a satanist or believes in magical arts either. But, if he/she asks what the bible says about it, I am compelled to give an honest answer. Or, if it comes up in conversation, I may offer my views. I know some with these types of beliefs and I treat them with the same respect as I do other people but will not join in any activity I feel goes against my conscience. But do I run away from them? No.
Satanist is a very broad term. Some ppl call pagans satanists.In any case I dont fear or trash them just like I dont fear and try not to trash xians.
A "satanist" has no more power than anyone from any other religion. Nada.
As a rational, I fall in with Elsewhere. They're as deluded as anyone else that believes in the supernatural. I neither fear them nor trash them.
It's opinion, folks--take it for what it's worth (hint: very little.) -
I think the only people who worry about Satanists (for the sake of argument let's assume they're 'real' Satanists as opposed to Goths, Metallers or other Freaks who just like the imagery but no more believe or worship Satan than they do the tooth-fairy) are those, who like 'real' Satanists, have an entirely fanciful and unsupported set of beliefs.It's a bit like people speculating whether Melchester Rovers or Oldcastle United are better teams - they're both made-up football teams from a comic, but that wouldn't stop people who've immersed themselves in the belief structure from debating their individual merits or powers as though they were real.
It is just like kids will argue about whether Snealsels or Snorlax (Pokemon) are more powerful, or whether Lickety Split, or Wind Whistler is the 'best' My Little Pony... I mean, would Darth Maul beat Luke Skywalker in a light-sabre duel? Would a P-51 Mustang beat a Supermarine Spitfire in a dogfight - oh, hang on, silly me, Mustangs and Spitfires actually exisited... but that question can never be answered as a dogfight between the two never took place...
Real.... imaginary.... DIFFERENT
Of course, anyone having proof of god OR Stan (as Satan's friends call him) can post it here, making sure they specify which god they're proving...
There was a group of Satanists here a few years ago who had killed people in thier rituals. I would stay away from people like that. I'm not afraid of some devil in a spirit world or a God either, or ghost, but people who believe in such things can be dangerous.
Ken P.
I don't fear them, but I wouldn't particularly want to associate with them either.