thats where i grew up.Havent talked to anyone i grew up with aside from one of my fleshly sisters and one friend in about 3 yrs.My mother hasnt spoken to me since dec 8th 2003 when i told her i was tired of the hypocracy and wasnt doing it anymore. we talked for a few hours and she said shed call me in a couple days after she processed everything, i never heard back.Ive just moved to nebraska this year.But it would be interesting to see if anyone i grew up with or know was around this forum.
Anyone From the Lakeside/El Cajon Area of San Diego?
by Lainiejane 12 Replies latest jw experiences
I know an older sister that lives there. Her name is Lucy.
My hunnie grew up in and around the San Diego area...and hung out in El Cajon as a teen....but he wasn't a witness then.
ahh, yea see me being one of those goody goody regular pioneering teenagers i probably wouldnt have known him as i was NEVER allowed to associate with non witnesses other then preaching to them, lol.I only attended 1 year of public high school and then switched to home schooling(mostly because i hated school) it was easy to get my parents to agree to that if i was pioneering.towards the end of the pioneering and my later teens is when i started getting a little naughty. lol.and then i married one of those fine upstanding brothers, (who was anything but fine and upstanding behind closed doors) and that my friends was the beginning of the end.i tried for a while, but im pretty sure it was all to keep my family and friends in my life.And once i started realising that they werent true friends, and that my family(mothers) love was so absolutely conditional, and started making decisions for myself, it was so much easier to leave.I had the support of a new husband, who wasnt a witness, but who supported me as long as that was my choice, he even studied for a while.but when i started responding to his questions with things like, "well its not about the people in the hall, its about jehovah" and" you know i really dont know" I started getting more and more annoyed. Here i was trying to convince him we were different, and what i ended up doing was convincing myself we were not.It was never that he was trying to undermind my "faith" he was being honest and asking so he could learn, and when i couldnt give him the answers that even Id be satisfied with,i said maybe this really isnt right.The hypocracy kills me.Hearing my mother , who had moved away tell me that people shed known for ages, were telling her that our entire circuit was nothing but apostates and that she should be glad shed gotten away from the area, knowing that our po was always in everyone elses business but not "minding the goats in his own backyard", I started noticing that as long as you went to meetings, noone really cared what you did behind closed doors.What kind of witness was that to my husband?It was an embaressment to ME!.My brother , who is now an elder(so ive heard, because my mother still talks to myu oldest child who lives with her still witness father half the time, but none of my other 5 children) blew off studys with my husband to go watch tv with his witness friends, but hed go bang over and over again on the doors of people who repeatedly told him they werent interested, or who hed know were hbh, but since hed had a nice conversation with them hed keep going back. Mind you my husband was always prepared for his bible study, prestudied,took the time to read the scriptures before my brother would show up. "perfect bible study". But left abandoned for the super bowl with surround sound.@@ how freaking retarded.and hes looking at me like wtf?If this is so life saving then wheres he at.When he had tried to contact our p/o with questions regarding some things,(ie how my ex husband could do the things he was doing and still remain in good standing) he got " well since your not a witness you dont understand" Nice huh??? LMAO Anyway ive rambled on enough here.What it comes down to is this. Im over the witness thing, ive got a good life with a good man , and none of the bull. Couldnt be happier!
Welcome to the board, Lainiejane. Your life sounds somewhat like mine, as I also found me a nice "worldly" man, and tomorrow, we celebrate 15 years of marriage. "They" said it wouldn't last!!!
I'm so glad you've found happiness outside of the "borg". Posting here will hopefully help to heal your post-WT wounds my friend.
Lainiejane, I had a very difficult time reading your post because you don't seem to like punctuation. I am sending it back to you with some spacing between your thoughts. I don't do this to make you feel bad, but it becomes too difficult to read a post when someone never gives a line or thought break. I am sure you post so that as many as possible will enjoy reading what you have written. I hope this is not offensive. Uninformed ahh, yea see me being one of those goody goody regular pioneering teenagers i probably wouldnt have known him as i was NEVER allowed to associate with non witnesses other then preaching to them, lol. I only attended 1 year of public high school and then switched to home schooling(mostly because i hated school) it was easy to get my parents to agree to that if i was pioneering. towards the end of the pioneering and my later teens is when i started getting a little naughty. lol.and then i married one of those fine upstanding brothers, (who was anything but fine and upstanding behind closed doors) and that my friends was the beginning of the end. i tried for a while, but im pretty sure it was all to keep my family and friends in my life. And once i started realising that they werent true friends, and that my family(mothers) love was so absolutely conditional, and started making decisions for myself, it was so much easier to leave. I had the support of a new husband, who wasnt a witness, but who supported me as long as that was my choice, he even studied for a while. but when i started responding to his questions with things like, "well its not about the people in the hall, its about jehovah" and" you know i really dont know" I started getting more and more annoyed. Here i was trying to convince him we were different, and what i ended up doing was convincing myself we were not.It was never that he was trying to undermind my "faith" he was being honest and asking so he could learn, and when i couldnt give him the answers that even Id be satisfied with,i said maybe this really isnt right. The hypocracy kills me. Hearing my mother , who had moved away tell me that people shed known for ages, were telling her that our entire circuit was nothing but apostates and that she should be glad shed gotten away from the area, knowing that our po was always in everyone elses business but not "minding the goats in his own backyard", I started noticing that as long as you went to meetings, noone really cared what you did behind closed doors. What kind of witness was that to my husband? It was an embaressment to ME!. My brother , who is now an elder(so ive heard, because my mother still talks to myu oldest child who lives with her still witness father half the time, but none of my other 5 children) blew off studys with my husband to go watch tv with his witness friends, but hed go bang over and over again on the doors of people who repeatedly told him they werent interested, or who hed know were hbh, but since hed had a nice conversation with them hed keep going back. Mind you my husband was always prepared for his bible study, prestudied,took the time to read the scriptures before my brother would show up. "perfect bible study". But left abandoned for the super bowl with surround sound.@@ how freaking retarded.and hes looking at me like wtf?If this is so life saving then wheres he at. When he had tried to contact our p/o with questions regarding some things,(ie how my ex husband could do the things he was doing and still remain in good standing) he got " well since your not a witness you dont understand" Nice huh??? LMAO Anyway ive rambled on enough here.What it comes down to is this. Im over the witness thing, ive got a good life with a good man , and none of the bull. Couldnt be happier!
Sorry, i'm in Long Beach, California "downtown area"!! Paula
delilah husband hung around Parkway Plaza, when he was a young punk rocker, then a skinhead.....he grew up.....finally.... before we met. You're mom probably shielded your eyes when you walked passed his group....
I like punctuation i just like it where i want it, not where someone else tells me it should be. And i dont see why youd send it BACK to me, i know everything in it and what thoughts are there, cus theyre mine:)Maybe, i had the punctuation where my thoughts took me, which arent always in "proper sentences" and i can already see theres places youve seperated things where I didnt intend on them being seperate. but if it makes YOU feel better to change my thoughts around then please by all means feel free. growing up a witness im used to that. I dont mean for you to take this as offensive either.
delilah, i LOVE that mall! That is one thing i miss about living here,Oh that and that the mall doesnt open till noon on sunday.Other then that the move isnt much of a culture shock as theyve had the warmest winter theyve had in years, go freakin figure i move so i can get snow and they have ONE dang storm!