No aspect of life is more desired, more elusive, and more perplexing than happiness. People wish and strive for what they believe will make them happy i.e, good health, attractive looks, an ideal marriage, children, a comfortable home, success, fame, financial independence, the list goes on and on. ( Add your own ).
Not everyone who attains these goals, however, finds happiness. Unhappiness appears to be at least as prevalent as happiness. An astounding number of Americans suffer from clinical depression, a sustained form of unhappiness. A significant number decide to end their unhappiness by committing suicide. ( In the United States, more than a quarter of a million people attempt to end their lives every twelve months, and about 30,000 succeed.
What causes you to be happy or unhappy, do you mind sharing this topic with us here on this forum.
I'll start. Right now I am in the middle of mood swings. I'm happy sometimes, then I find myself mulling over things in my life that make me unhappy. Then when I look around the world on the web and here, I think to myself, why am I unhappy? Their is so much suffering going on in other peoples lives.
So, really then, what is happiness? How does one define it?
Thanks, Blueblades