i had a shepherding call a while back and expressed some doubts about the Org. one of the elders asked 'if you know what you know now, would you still have got baptised?' sensing a bit of a leading question, I ducked it by replying 'impossible to say' any comments on where this question might have been leading....
how would you respond
by besty 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They were "baiting" you to try to get a statement of apostacy on record so they could proceed with their kangaroo court and officially DF you.
Your response was perfect. In fact I'd use that to respond to any future questions they may have.
ye it seemed to similar to 'do you believe this to be Gods organisation?' I've been reading the posts here for a little while and was forewarned thankfully....
Hey Betsy - welcome to the board!!
You answered their little trick question the best way - by not answering. Finally they will get sick of your non-answers and just DF you - at least that is what they did to me.... -
Welcome to the board besty.
The elders wanted to know if you started thinking for yourself. Thats a nono....
'if you know what you know now, would you still have got baptised?
And you said "sure thing bro, because I KNOW Jehovah will cure varukas in the new system."
Welcome Betsy!
Hi Betsy, welcome.
I agree with all the posters so far - the elders were trying to trap you. Your answer was perfect! Don't give them anything they can "use" against you.
thanks guys - funny thing was they had come round to 'encourage me to do more' - ended up with the Group being taken out of my house as it possibly wouldn't have Jehovah's spirit on it due to my attitude. Net result was me contributing less :-) made me laugh. Of the two elders that came round one died (shme nice bloke but misguided) and the other was the Head Boy (aka PO) and was removed and group taken out of his house shortly after. Not DF'd though - think he had gone round to shepherd a sister on his own - schoolboy error. Now we have an MTS parachute PO who is my study conductor and he has said he is coming round soon for a call ;-)
Welcome Besty - long time lurker!
I always make the mistake of being HONEST - gets me into all sorts of trouble.