oOOOPS. Gumby. Perhaps I'm the answer to all those unanswered prayers. Jehovah answers in mysterious ways. I sense a fruitcake coming on....
Queston for Christians
by Amazing1914 16 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Jim,
I've not heard voices, but I've had a calm feeling overtake me in *very* emotional moments when I was praying for it. Then there are times when I'm really frustrated and want to lash out, but the calm descends over me and I can deal with the situation in an appropriate manner. I've attributed that sense of calm to the HS. Perhaps, it's also evident when I display other fruitages of the spirit, but that doesn't seem to be as dramatic or noticeable to me.
Well seems the Lord is a bit picky....ain't he?
He was also picky with whom he chose as his people. He picked Abraham because he was rightous and his offspring apparently was now blessed for eternity....regardless of the fact they proved as sinful as the rest of mankind.
Why do you suppose god hears the cries of all these people.....but only chooses to manifest himself to only some? Are those not answered not worthy? Are they selfish and god knows they aren't sincere in their requests? Why doesn't he answer in an audible voice to me or others do you suppose?
Well, in my case, I wasn't listenin'. It felt more like a boot in the butt than a random act of ascension.
I'm reading Betty Friedan's memoir right now, and she describes that same sense of destiny.
"When people ask me now - 'Did you realize you were starting this huge revolution?'...Yes, we were going to transform society, the political agenda, all of it - and we did. But did we realize it at the time? Underneath, there was a sense of dread and yet a sense of existential necessity. Like I didn't plan it, I just knew what had to be done and the next thing to be done...." (page 180)
If Schizophernics hear voices quite often is it strange that the brain can't do this at least occasionally for so called normal people?
Hearing is our sense that is closely linked to fear. Infants display the startle reflex when there is a loud noise. The startle reflex occurs also when a child suddenly is dropped. (Thanks to the sadistic behaviorists we have a lot of documented information on what freaks out infants)
If you are agitated or you unconsciously match some sensory input to a possible danger it would seem you might have some reaction.
As for the calm feeling that washes over you. Meditation (relaxation response) is a systematic way of inducing this state. It is usually achieved through concentration on rhythmic breathing. It works for me.
If God wants to say something, and he made us, he ought to use the route he gave us for that purpose.
It appears that a lot of people on this board share a lot of the same delusions the JW's have.
"I swear there ain't no heaven and I pray to God there aint no hell" And when I die... Blood Sweat & Tears
I pay $7.99 a bottle for my Holy Spirit, every Friday night.