JW Research Paper - Interview needed

by Omnislash 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Omnislash

    Hello my name is Jake and I am in a world religion course currently and for my final project I must conduct a research paper other than my own. I have ten questions that I would like to ask a currently practicing JW. If you are interested please send me an email with a little bit about yourself and I would like to request that you respond to each question with about 200 words. [email protected]

    Here are the questions.

    1. What are the important holidays and traditions of this religion?
    2. How has religion shaped your life?
    3. What are the challenges, if any, to practicing this particular religion?
    4. How are followers of your religion portrayed in your community?
    5. What event in your life significantly impacted the choice you made to worship this religion?
    6. Please tell me in your own words any historical relevance of your religion.
    7. What factors contribute to someone being observed as a “model” worshiper?
    8. If you had to describe your religion in one word, what would it be and why?
    9. Is there any significance to your religions racial population? Why or Why not?

    10. Please tell me to the best of your knowledge who wrote or provided your written teachings, worship, song etc.

  • Narkissos

    Welcome Jake,

    This is mostly an ex-JW forum but there are a few current JWs around, so maybe you will get responses -- probably slightly more critical than the average JW :-)

    Insightful questions btw.

    Best wishes

  • Honesty

    You might try beliefnet.com

    Learn about JW's forum.

    They'll be glad to love bomb you.

    Most of us on this board escaped from the Jehovah's Witnesses and are not exactly what you would consider impartial subjects.

  • misspeaches

    I guarantee that what ever active JW answers your questions the answer for 8:

    If you had to describe your religion in one word, what would it be and why?

    will be Truth.

  • poppers

    What event in your life significantly impacted the choice you made to worship this religion?

    What a great choice of words, worship this religion. I would guess that most ex-JWs (which I am not, I've never been a JW) would recognize just how apt that phrase is in regard to the JWs. It wouldn't surprise me if most would rephrase it thusly: worship this organization (the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society).

  • rebel8

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