Well, two questions, two wonderful sets of answers! thanks a lot guys.
I am impressed by the quantity of resources that you have shown me. I will look into it this weekend, along with my Bible History studying from the other post I made.
I must say my girlfriend is no longer an active participant at meetings or anything like that. She still believes the truth is indeed the truth but not in any active way, it is just bubbling underneath. Nevertheless I will have to be very careful in the way I present this to her, or indeed, let her discover it herself. I am aware that if I ask her to take me along to a meeting, or whatever it is called, I will be exposing her to exactly the kind of influences that I want to avoid. BUT, recently, for the first time in a few years, she went along to some kind of annual meeting thing that they have without telling me and it concerned me.
I have had a few chats to her about the whole subject of JW and she is largely unreceptive to the concept that the Watchtower might be putting out information that is untrue. She knows that I am a fully fledged (and proud!) member of the godless atheistic community and over the years I have been working with her on the subjects of evolution and old earth theory etc. (I was amazed to discover that there are still people who think the world began only 4000 years ago) and I think she is coming around - of course I wouldn't want to prejudice her with my own 'truth' so I am careful how I introduce my own ideas. But I think with a carefully handled presentation of well judged alternative ideas she will see what I'm on about.. so far I have had more success with the approach that the doubters out there are concerned more about the current operations of the Watchtower organisation than the religion as a whole. She found that pill easier to swallow.
Thanks again,