my brother decides he want to stop al the local kingDUM hell and ask for the new CRAPtower mag, he goes in and asks for the new CRAPTOWER about a dozen X"S i'm standing at the door and he keeps asking for the new CRAPTOWER " TO WORship the god jehoover. and pray to the foolish and wayward slave. he comes to the door and invites me in and about 10 wt zombies women are in the lobby. i call out "who wants to have a bible study on 1914?" 2 so called sheapards come out and herd the sheep into the back room and lock the door like , sAtan himself came in to ask for a study i grabbed one elder by the hand and asked'? nows your chance to , stand up for your god in brooklyn. be a man and show these sisters your ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!. they cryied they were calling the police. i said why are you calling the police why not wait on jehoober.. all i want is a study on 1914. it was a sad seen, i left their free public discourse when they asked me to leave thier hell hall. john
jw's panic at kh , when we ask for a bible study
by johnny cip 21 Replies latest jw friends
Johnny maybe some of those sisters will think about what you said and do some research. :o)
Was it fun?
johnny cip
it was a complete joke i knew 2 or 3 the the elders ,( and they all know they can't last 3 minutes with me) it was so sad how locked the sister in the back room. like i was there to rape them. all i did was ask a few questions.. i should have left my brother stumble them a few more minutes before i got into the fray. he's a great apostate. it was like shooting fish in a barrell. john
I feel sorry for the sisters being locked in a room. Like sheep being led to the slaughter.
Made me giggle johnny - admire the nerve of it! Will you be making a Return Visit(tm)?
Greetings johhny cip
That's an amazing story. I wish I could have been there to see that, or at least been a "fly on the wall". Those "so called shepards" are so NOT USED to that sort of confrontation. It's my hope that as time passes, that more of the ones who've been screwed over by that cult, will do the same type of thing. Who knows, perhaps in the future, you'll need a badge to get inside those halls to keep those with "inquiring minds who want to know" out.
Keep up the good work. You're relentless. I've read some of your other post. You rock Johnny.
Please keep us posted.
Actually, from the TITLE of the thread - 'jw's panic at kh , when we ask for a bible study' - I thought we were going to contact jw's (poster here) Kingdom Hall and request a Bible Study from him as we've been so impressed with his preaching on here!!
Now THERE'S a thought...It certainly IS a thought. Imagine the hours jw could report if he'd visit everyone on this board who would request a Bible Study off him! Since they're more interested in activity than results, jw'd be their star saleperson.
Hey John!
I feel your pain. I’ve been in it my whole life, and when I figured it wasn’t the “truth” I bolted! This actually happened in the last two years! Anyway, I’m sorry for your pain! I'm really sorry! Be assured that many others are suffering like you. I’m truly sorry! Please let me know where I may help. Keep your chin up dude! Wish you the best in coming out of your circumstances! Please take care! Love your family! You sound like a great person!
Truly yours,
I liked the descriptives you used for the JWs they are well suited. That is the weakness of the WTS that gives away their game they know they can't argue in an open manner with their opponents because if they allow that their organisation will very quickly fall apart as the R&F will realise that all their beliefs are based on lies.
So they keep them in the dark by forbidding contact with "apostates" and reading non JW religious literature. -
rofl !!!!!!!!!!