Hmm.. rassillon, you sounded like you weren't sure of yourself with regard to the genetically programmed nature of homosexuality, I figure you could do with some guidance?
1.) If you want to be accepted despite your sexual choice then you
Now you believe that you are genetically programmed to like other men? I don't know? I have seen no conclusive evidence to say so. If you say this because you "feel" this is so, well, we all know how scientific feelings are. Also, if you believe this, do you also believe in evoloution? Would this make you and your particular evolved branch more or less likely to survive? Are you developing a new way to have offspring?
OK, I spotted this article today, and it seems relevant to the whole "a gay gene would have been Natural Selection-ed out of existence" point that you make:,,2-1306894,00.html
To save you some time, it is an article detailing an idea that came around last year (2005). The theory is this: The same genetic differences that might predispose a person to be gay ALSO predispose women to be especially fertile. So strange are the workings of the human genome that we have no way of knowing what knock on effects genetic engineering can have, which is why it is such a dangerous game.
Quote from the article:
Scientists have discovered that gay men’s mothers, sisters and maternal aunts tend to have significantly more children than the norm — and that many of their nephews and male cousins are also gay.
The point is, your argument about the Natural Selection is not a complete argument, and you should be more careful with it.
That said, I agree with you on the consequences point. It is not an inevitable consequence of leading a homosexual lifestyle that you will get infected with HIV. Unprotected sex is the key to it, I'm not sure where Bstndance got the idea that AIDS is inevitable.
To everyone I offer my sincerest apologies for staying off topic here, but I couldn't let that go I'm afraid. Poorly formed arguments are my bug-bear!