Does the Rainbow Covenant Disprove the Flood?

by Severus 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby
    I've provided good reasons for saying the things I have, if I don't mind saying so myself. All you've done in return is spout sarcasm. You show no intellect whatsoever. Even your biography doesn't make any sense. All it says is, "are you the farmer?". What is people who read that suppose to get out of it? Talk about "nonsense"!

    Well...I see you didn't make it till midnight Schizm. You had to go and get smart again and get sassy. Guess you know what that means young nutbag buffin on you for awhile. I thought you was gonna make it...but I shoulda known. Ever since that thread about Lot and his unrightous daughters who Jehovah spared but killed their ma and named her "Morton"'ve been real testy.

    I'll save the diamond wax for the future in case your anger management classes you've been taking finally show some positive results.


  • Caedes
    I've provided good reasons for saying the things I have, if I don't mind saying so myself.

    I must have missed those posts.

    If your opinions fly in the face of scientific fact then you should expect to be derided, you are free to provide proof of your assertions if you can. Bearing in mind that there is not one shred of hard evidence to support the flood myth as told in the bible.

    As for my biography, I'm sorry you haven't heard that particular film quote, you are missing out. It also refers to my geographical location, Devon is farming country (for the hard of understanding) I take it you have an extensive personal history and resume in your biography? Feel free to Pm me if you need anything else clarifying.

  • Schizm
    If your opinions fly in the face of scientific fact....

    Exactly how do you figure that my opinion -- regarding the method God used to form a barricade around the area that mankind occupied so as to enable the waters to rise above the highest mountain -- "flies in the face of scientific fact"? Yes, please explain what "scientific fact" it is that contradicts my proposal.


  • kid-A

    Yes, please explain what "scientific fact" it is that contradicts my proposal.

    That would be difficult for him to do, schizm, given that this is the science textbook you appear to be deriving your "proposals" from.

    Dont worry, when you graduate from the 1st grade, they'll let you make finger paintings!

  • Schizm


    You picked an appropriate screen name for yourself. Your post is exactly what one would expect from a "kid" who is still wet behind the ears and who has nothing more to do other than to post smart ass remarks. My suggestion is that you make an effort to grow up a bit, and try posting something that has substance in place of being so childish.


  • james_woods

    Shizm, maybe you could utilize that chrystalline aluminum stuff that old Scotty cooked up in the StarTrek movie where they had to build a barrier around the humpback whales to save the earth from the alien space probe?

    Everybody knows that StarTrek tried to stay very close to verifiable science...

    Live Long and Prosper.

  • lovelylil


    There is a good book written by two Geologists called NOAH'S FLOOD - The New Scientific Discoveries about the event that changed history - it is written by William Ryan and Walter Pitman, publisher simon & schuster

    They give evidence using geology, oceanography, carbon dating and other scientific methods for the flood of Noah's time. It also has information about the other flood legends mentioned in myths such as gilgamesh.

    This book is pro-flood and is written by highly educated and intelligent people. You may like to get a copy and can get one used at Lilly

  • gumby

    Shcizm told me to tell you all he has three 12 step anger classes to attend and he won't be back here for a be patient.

    Schizm....since I already proved to you beyond any shadow of a doubt the flood story was copied by a bunch of people who's brains were dried up from wandering in the desert most of their lives and their intelligence level was so low they needed to copy the smart well fed Egyptians stories about how the gods hated their creation of men/women and needed to drown their might ass well move onto another thread and be a bigmouth there.


  • Caedes
    You picked an appropriate screen name for yourself

    Modern cultural references completely pass you by don't they schizm? Perhaps you should try and get out more, or don't they let you?

    Anyway if there had been a flood that covered the mountains then there would be evidence, there is none because there has never been a flood on that scale, even locally. If you choose to believe it happened because god did it with magic or supernatural forces then it shouldn't really matter to you that there is no scientific evidence to support the flood story.

    Is your faith so weak that, realising that some of the biblical stories are morality tales and not to be taken literally that your faith falls apart?

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