This is it; I'm done!!

by WingCommander 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jwfacts

    great post.

    What is the video? I havn't seen it, does anyone have a link to it?

  • under_believer

    jwfacts, you can watch/download the movie "Witnesses of Jehovah" at Google Video.

  • just2sheep


    coming to a decision like this is always difficult, but not nearly as difficult as waiting for god to affirm the watchtower society as his earthly organization...this isn't going to happen because it isn't. the pamplet wasn't a sign but it seems that the video was. what do you think? perhaps your prayers were answered, just not in the way you expected. it is a difficult thing to draw closer to jehovah especially with all of the roadblocks the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses, along with many other religions and secular orgs, put in your path. the borg teaches that the only way to god is through them. this alone should convince anyone the falseness of their teaching, because god tells us jesus is the path. i know they claim jesus as their organizational head...but i can't find anywhere he claims who you gonna believe?

    life really is about free will. i hope yours leads to happiness.


  • Balsam

    Greeting WingCommander,

    What a an great post. Good for you, your starting a journey of new discoveries. Hope you find a place where your God given spirit can be renewed and refreshed. I am still exploring spirituality and you know it is exciting and I love doing it. Checking out Churches I've never been too, seeing how the view the world around them.

    Good Luck,


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    WC - Thanx for letting us in on your stage of growth. I still feel the anger and frustration and utter emptiness that marked the 44 years that I believed the Watchtower propaganda. For us too, the obvious lack of love started the ball rolling. I never saw the video you mention, and with a dial-up connection, prob never will, but it is amazing how often I found myself crying, and with my jaw agap as I became aware of the lies and manipulation that affected me for so long.

    Awakening is so worth it though - keep us informed as to where your spiritual journey takes you.


  • gumby
    I’ve prayed. I asked for a sign, any sign. Going up to a Presiding Overseer that I’ve known my whole life at community fire hall and inviting myself to the Memorial and then having him drop off a pamphlet about it isn’t a sign in my book – it’s pathetic!

    Once again, the organisations loving god fails to appear and answer a crying typical.

    Wingcommander.....good for you! It took you awhile, but you finally saw the light about the witnesses. It has taken some exiters even a bit longer than it took you.

    " When the student is READY, the teacher appears"


  • ringo5

    Glad to hear your feeling much better about your position, I'm quite sure it will only improve with time as making decisions based on your own logic always feels better than doing things based on someone else's skewed reasonings.

    Since I’m not officially baptized, I don’t have to send in any letter or do anything. It doesn’t matter anyway since none of them seem to care, even though I did spend most of my life spouting off their beliefs and trying to fit in with them. Right now, I am trying to attend one church service of any of the Christian religions around me to get a feel for other things.

    Don't be suprised if they do become interested in you once they find out you're attending another church....but that can be just a confirmation for you...

    Good luck,

  • misspeaches

    Just reading this I could feel the passion and the power you must have been feeling when you wrote it down for us. Wing Commander its like that final thing blinding you has been removed and you can see clearly again. Its liberating, its shocking - all at once.

    I wish you all the best in your searches!

  • WingCommander

    Miss Peaches:

    Thank you, you are such a sweetie!


    Thanks for all of your kind words, I really appreciate it.

    Regards - Wing Commander

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >I can only hope and pray that God leads me to the path he wants me to follow.

    Feel free to IM me anytime. I have been through it. He will lead you to where you need to go. May God bless you and give you understanding that results in salvation! IN the name of Jesus, amen.

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