You must remember that a majority left after 1925, in some congregations up to 90 %, leaving only a handfull at places, and so they had to start more or less all over again. After THAT new beginning, the increase was steady until '31 - '35. But earlier, you had experienced one peak prior to 1916, and one around 1925.
number of remnant missing
by headmath 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Two explaination I can think of for the difference in figures. The attendance in 25 is said to include attenders, not partakers, which may account for the difference. Possibly newly interested ones did not partake.
Another reason could be that Bible Student websites make that claim that 2/3 of all bible students left during the 1920's due to Rutherford's mutilation of Russells doctrines.
I used to sit next to a very old sister in the dining room at bethel. (I think her name was Vi Houghton) She was baptised in the 1910's. She told me that in the 1920's she used to take the emblems with her husband. When the Great Crowd was rexplained in the 1930's she stopped taking the emblems but her husband did not. She did not believe she had ever been born again. It is possible that a number of JW's stopped taking the emblems after the change of doctrine.
I can imagine that the peak was in 1933 because it was 1934 that the teaching on the mediator changed.
It was just before the memorial in 1934 that Rutherford limited the mediatorship to the 144,000;
Watchtower 1934 April 1 p.104
“Christ Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant toward his own brethren, that is to say, spiritual Israel, during the period of time God is taking out from the nations a people for his name.”
The attendance in 25 is said to include attenders, not partakers, which may account for the difference. Possibly newly interested ones did not partake.
I was thinking that since alcohol was illegal then nobody could partake , thus using WTBTS reasoning the door to heaven coulda been shut then .............. blah blah blah (or did they try to use grape juice) . There is evidence that shows the great crowd in heaven as well but not in a rulership position rather to worship . I think the kingdom of the heavens lands on earth so access to it would be available for the great crowd to escape the great tribulation .
Heathen, sacramental wine was legal and produced in the US in New York and California. The winery we visited said that the volume went up greatly during that time and they were sure it wasn't people just getting religion.
I guess with 90 thousand people needing some wine it would go way up . Even that number sounds absurd because the WTBTS stance is that most of the "anointed' had their run in the first century . We know for a fact that first century christians didn't have much of a life expectancy . This was kinda making me wonder if there aren't 2 sets of 144k . One for then and one for now . Either that or alot of very confused 20th century christians.
Actually, that would include a Christian denominations, including Catholics and Protestants; I doubt even a 50,000 change in WTS members once a year would have mattered much. But people were able to take real wine for communion during that period, people who took communion as often as 3 times a day.
Thanks all
So there was a peak in 1916 another in 1925 and another in 1933 WOW
And it all correlates to failed armageddon phropecies of 1914 and 1925. and it looks like the new name of jehoovers witnesses in 1931 spooked some of them not to partake. Their fate was sealed with the announcment of the great crowd in 1935
We see the devious nature of the babylon the great has (fallen away) book and how it covers up the great falling away from 1926 to 1930?
look at this quote from the babylon book
Thus as more were dying than were being delivered from Great Babylon, this steadily reduced the number of the anointed remnant of Kingdom heirs from year to year
end quote
They don't even mention that there was a falling away of some 40,000 from 1926 to 1930? Is that a cover up or what?
The WTS claim that the remnant decreased due to deaths but there is no way for 40,000 people to die in a 4 year period. Maybe it was a case of the bubonic plague who knows? This just makes clearer for me and some of you that the babylon the great book is a bunch of twaddle (I like that word)
Yah sounds like another masterpiece of literature from the FDS ..... just like the truth book and various other ones they'd like to distance themselves from . It's amazing how much ink and paper and time these people waste just correcting themselves . IMO they have alot more to correct if they think they have the truth already.............
Please see the following:
yah that is a huge dip from 90k to 27k in just 10 years . I think at the time they also believed that the anointed from 1914 would see the conclusion of this system as well , as being the , "this generation". I tell ya what, everytime I look into this type of stuff the WTBTS looks even more stupid than the last time . I suppose they even used it as a selling point of some kind there in the 30's . I still say there is no way that they recognized the great crowd in 1935 because they are mostly dead and eventually the WTBTS will have to realize they are wrong on that one as well . The great crowd are not part of the first resurrection , they simply exit the world when the time comes to escape the wrath of God . Some call it a rapture but I think the details of exactly what happens in the rapture are misleading .