You hit the nail right on the head Hellrider. This is yet another example of the nonsensical JW cosmology that even with the slightest application of logic will cause the Watch Tower's "Bible Truths" to evaporate like Vodka on a hot griddle. It is so clear that 1914 is a made up date for the start of Christ's invisible rule and this becomes ever more laughable with every year that goes by. At one time it may have been possible to buy that it took 20 years to prepare for the big A, or even 40 years, but 92+ years? It has just gotten silly and like you said, what does he do all day? Why in the world would you come this far in advance just to be invisible and direct a patheticly small and presumptious bunch of false alarmists for 92 years who keep making stuff up that has to be revised all the time as it is proven to be WRONG over and over again. All their timelines and "special" knowledge is proven by the passage of time to be utter gibberish turning off the majority of potential converts who still have half a brain.
Jesus must be one of the worst leaders in history for specially chosing the bumblers of the Watch Tower Society to manage his earthly affairs as they have made a complete mess of things and can't even get their own enternal authority lines straight. Fred Franz who believed himself to be a special teacher who took the lead in creating most of what JWs believe today made up the concept that the living remainder of the 144,000 directed the Society yet at the same time he believed that only a few select leaders would be chosen to take the lead...a complete contradiction of his own design and at the very least dishonest to the rank & file who were told one thing while the leadership believed and practiced another. The fact that the entire belief system of the Watch Tower Society has changed drastically during Christ's suppossed presence should be enough to make a sane person ask, "what the hell is he doing changing everything around and getting everything wrong?" The excuse of human imperfection just doesn't wash if Christ is supervising, what would be the point if he just lets HIS organization bumble along on it's own with incompetants running the show without his correction. If I am in charge of a bunch of mentally handicapped folks out on a field trip it is my job to guide and protect them from harm so I don't just let them stumble into man holes or walk out in traffic so they can "learn" on their own by making mistakes yet this is exactly what the Watch Tower expects us to believe about Christ's rule in these "critical Last Days" which stretch ever on for nearly 100 years now. Complete nonsense!