Or should I say Gimpy?
It is always a pleasure to see you pop your green & bendy self onto the board.
How's the knee? Getting better?
I think I forgot to give you B'erfday smacks so here they are----> *smacksmack* Dams
(I can't reply to pm's so everybody else just pretend ya don't see this)
My Dearest Gumby
by damselfly 25 Replies latest jw friends
Damselfly, if the PM thing is vexing you, I recommend that you consider going to http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/, downloading Firefox, and trying to respond to PMs in that browser.
LOL @ Balls.
feeling a little left out are you?
Poor ol damn Ballistic, the poor guys always tryin to fit in....dang funny fella.Damsfly...I noticed you called him "Balls". I'm thinkin we outta give him that nickname BEFORE he hits the apostofest in texas....that way everyone will just call him balls when he arrives....tee hee
Yeah, I tried to PM you twice and it never showed up on my "sent messages". Hey, since we're PMing each other now out in the open like we are...I'll go ahead and tell ya what you wanted to know right here. My nutsack shines are 29.95 with no wax....and 35.95 with 3 coats of chocolate wax...or any other flavor cept for vanilla. I still think your man will be glad he did.....just like ballistic and unclebruce did.
Talk to you later..and thanks for getting back with me on this