Ok, how bout a little Friday fun. The first person that can make me laugh wins, and then we have to make that person laugh, and so on! No lagging allowed, you laugh your done! LOL
Make Me Laugh!
by ButtLight 29 Replies latest jw friends
George Bush is smooth like the Ken doll.
Rub a Dub
Now, I am not racist or prejudice at all..........
Butt, did you ever want to have sex with a midget, then afterwards kick them really hard and tell them to go back to their clown car?
Sorry rub!
OMG, my eyes are watering!
Now, I am not racist or prejudice at all..........
Brooke got me already!!!!!!!!Butt, did you ever want to have sex with a midget, then afterwards kick them really hard and tell them to go back to their clown car?
The best laugh I ever had in my life was reading "J.W.'s Gone Wild" right here on JWD.
Nancy Drake
Haha I laugh everytime in my head when I think of Brooke trying to weigh her boobs on a scale but then she can't lean over and read the number because her boobs cover up the whole scale.
Brooke, you said you hate to shave every day. And you hate having hair anywhere on your body besides your head. WELL, you forgot to shave the hair on your butt crack! I could braid them babies!
Nancy Drake
Brooke's got corn rows on her crack.
Brooke's got corn rows on her crack.
if she isnt laughing, i sure as hell am!!!!!!
LOL.....Alright Nancy got me with the weighing of my Boobs. I remember that well...lol.
OK, let's make Nancy laugh.