Well,not by name exactly. However, I was mentioned. I was told today by a very reliable source my Dad gave a talk at the latest District convention. In it, he talked about how he 'has had to endure both his son and daughter leaving the truth.' Awwww....woe is me....always about you isn't it Dad? Just when I start feeling sad for my parents something like this comes up. In front of 8000 people of whom literally hundreds know me you had to say that. Looking for sympathy perhaps? Thinking it might "encourage" others who have shunned their family members to keep it up? What about my 10 year old son sitting there listening to that? Talk about driving a wedge. I always love it when he comes back from these conventions and I talk to him on the phone the next day...so much colder....or perhaps this is just the thing that could help him see how cold and insensitive you and the Watchtower "toughs" are? I know the person who told me about this reacted this way. He told me he was 'very upset' that was said...that it 'realy bothered him'. I wonder too why my Dad would say something like this when he knows my sister still believes most of the witness dogma. This will make it even harder for her to return. Not too smart in my book. But then maybe it is like it seems to be. That is, the Tower is getting stricter, tougher, and seems to be saying 'like it or leave it, for we don't give a shit'. Well, I don't give a shit either, so I left as have many others and with this kind of "compassion" going around I imagine many others will be also.
I'm Famous: I Was Mentioned at the D.C.!
by bavman 25 Replies latest jw experiences
Hopefully, your dad's DC comments will serve as a wake-up call to some of the sheep.
My 10 year-old son has to endure this type of abuse at the KH, DC's, CA's, anytime the 'friends' get together, etc.
He is starting to see and comment about how Christians act though because his brainwashed JW mom had to enroll him in public school.
I hope your son is in a public school that has some Christian children so he can see who really reflects Jesus' teachings cuz it sure ain't Jehovah's Witnesses no matter what they claim.
Was that at the Green Bay DA, bavman? That was really rude and thoughtless of him. You're right. Saying things like that will leave a bad taste in the right mouths. Hopefully some will think about what he said and not approve of it.
That really sucks. Typical witness martyrdom. It's such an unnatural thing to shun your children that they have to justify it by making themselves out to be the victims.
Greetings bavman,
IMO the best thing you, and your sister can do is to continue to "not give a shit". His day will come!
I was told today by a very reliable source my Dad gave a talk at the latest District convention. In it, he talked about how he 'has had to endure both his son and daughter leaving the truth.' Awwww....woe is me....always about you isn't it Dad? Just when I start feeling sad for my parents something like this comes up. In front of 8000 people of whom literally hundreds know me you had to say that
I'm surprised they don't have people up there giving their experiences and then saying "..."E´li, E´li, la´ma sa·bach·tha´ni?" that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Looking for sympathy perhaps?
Absolutely. But even better, they get to show everyone how 'loyal" they are to the Borganization.
Thinking it might "encourage" others who have shunned their family members to keep it up?
If I heard an elder giving a talk and he said that both his children left the religion, I would seriously wonder why they would allow him to be an elder. If he can not keep his own family in, then what hope is there for his congregation.
Sometimes I forget how awful attending these things used to be. That's why it's good to get everybody's reports from the front.
bavman, parents in general are experts at playing the martyr card. Dub parents take it several steps further. Nothing like sacrificing your children on the alter of dublic opinion in order to make yourself look extra special righteous because you have suffered so greatly due to your chillin's rejecting Jebloblah. ::cue tears of martyrly grief and a-go-ny:: Oh, Jah, we pray that they see da light before it is TOO LATE! ::gag::
Bet you're looking forward to your DC, Mary.
Awwww....woe is me....always about you isn't it Dad?
Sounds exactly like my dad. My dad used to tell everyone from the platform that his daughter was the best and that if your kids left the truth it was because you were not doing your job as a parent. Ouch! That came to bite him in the rear when I left. Then it was "woe is me".
I am sorry your son had to sit through that.
This took place in Green Bay, WIsconsin? I'd send in Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedy! ...Kennedy!