For those who can stomach it...
June 2006 Kingdom Ministry
by Elsewhere 19 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you for posting this.
19 year old Tony finally made it to Bethel. Where is he now that they asked many to leave. Why put Bethel as a goal when they know they are downsizing?
Compassion and personal interest in someone is totally lacking in the org. From the top down. That's not to say some try to be like Jesus, however the Society is not that way.
Thanks Else for posting this one.
20 min
Invite the youths in the congregation to comment on their spiritual goals and what they are doing to reach them. One or two comments may be arranged in advance.
I'm sure the elder who is handling this will be terrified that after his arranged comments there will be no more forthcoming (except maybe from the 4-7 year olds) and will have to open up the commenting to "older young ones", and that that would show up their congregation as not having the stereotypically happy JW nerds as portrayed in the Watchtower literature. -
19 year old Tony finally made it to Bethel. Where is he now that they asked many to leave. Why put Bethel as a goal when they know they are downsizing?
my thoughts exactly!!!!!!!!!!
I can't tell you how many young kids I know that set their sites on Bethel and were not asked to come.
Put in time, go to all the, quick
and then be turned down for Bethel.
How many kids hopes and dreams were shattered because of that? after having it put before them at conventions, meetings, parents, elders all those years.
It's ashame there is never any commendation for being a good, decent human being that is content within themselves and keep peace.
"I can't tell you how many young kids I know that set their sites on Bethel and were not asked to come." I depends if your elder/father is well known in the org most of the time. I have known several who applied and a couple who were accepted into Bethel; some I was surprised to see picked to go to Bethel, however they didn't stay long, lol.
That's what they think! Some Christian friends told me today just how cold the JW's become when a person decides not to accept a 'Bible Study' from them.
Here is what the JW Minstry is all about:
The delivery of their words completes their mission. It is not connected to your response.The good they do lies in delivery, not in consumption. That is their understanding of "love thy neighbor as thyself." They are delighted when you agree with them, and equally satisfied, if not happy, if you respond negatively. That only helps them to become martyrs suffering "for righteousness sake." Give up hopes of dialogue. You can't win, and in their minds they can't lose.
The last talk for the week beginning 6/12 is a real hoot...15 min..."Trusting the Faithful & Discreet Slave"...what a these people to control your life; tell you to do things they they themselves don't do; wreck your family...sick...
The last part on June 19th says:
"Include a brief demonstration in which a publisher listens carefully to the householder, offes sincere commendation, and then builds on what the householder said by sharing an appropriate scripture."
Maybe I'm just being nit-picky, but I'm completely in love with the idea of a rehearsed demonstration of "sincere" anything. Can you imagine them practicing it?
Elder: "I'm not buying your sincerity here, can you fake it any better than that?"
Pioneer: "I'm givin' it all she's got, Capt'n! The audience can't take much more!"
Elder: "More sincerity!"
Ok, now I'm just bein' silly. But I still giggle when I think about it.
Thanks, Else! This is fun!
From the announcements:
"July & August - "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" When householders already have this publication, use an appropriate brochure that the congregation has in stock."So to review... if they've already picked up our all-important study book, you should:
A) Attempt to study the book with them, to help them learn The Troof
B) Commend them for owning the book, and leave them with a question that the book will answer
C) Try to shove another piece of crap down their throats, revealing us as the simple publishing company that we arePencils down! The correct answer was "C". This was open book, folks, c'mon. I even told you where to look. I'm so disappointed...