Nice to see that the assholes follow their own advice:
w99 5/15 p. 26 The Christian Congregation—A Source of Strengthening Aid ***Of course, the congregation’s body of elders is not a staff of professional therapists or health practitioners, able to cure physical or mental health problems faced by fellow believers. In this system of things, the ailing still "need a physician." (Luke 5:31)
g04 9/8 p. 21 When Someone You Love Has a Mental Disorder ***Become
informed. People with mental disorders usually have limited capacity to research their own condition. Hence, the information you gather from current and reliable sources can help you to understand what your loved one is going through. It can also help you to talk openly and knowledgeably with others........ Encourage the sufferer to seek help. Those with mental disorders may not realize that they need help. You might suggest that the sufferer see a particular doctor, read some useful articles, or have a conversation with someone who has successfully managed a similar disorder. It may be that your loved one is not receptive to your advice. But by all means intervene if someone in your care is at risk of harming himself or others.