When I was 19 I was married, for two years already. The elders in our hall went to my husband and told him to monitor what I wear more closely because it was too revealing. They told him that a sister in our hall came to the body of elders and complained that before she became a witness she was a lesbian and my revealing clothing made her have immoral thoughts about me and asked the elders to please have me change my wardrobe so her thoughts would stop. My husband came home and told me and I about died laughing. I spent the next year trying to figure out who it was...just in case I thought she was cute too, ya never know. He was so proud that "My wife turns on lesbians." I first of all think it was totally made up and laugh about it to this day. Hey, I am pretty hot.
Funny Memory
by Synergy 16 Replies latest jw friends
I also wonder if she's still a JW
There was one tiny congregation (of less than 70) in a small town called Ladysmith in South Africa. About 10 years ago there was one HELL of a scandal as THREE, count them, THREE sisters were lesbians and embroiled in a three way love triangle. I had family mention to me that she was quite concerned that her personal dress code might have contributed to their (the three lesbians) decline into sexual filth. How I laughed and laughed at the naivity of it all.
oh dear, if she found two hours at a meeting keeping her thoughts in check, shopping trips and days at the beach and anywhere else she went musta been a nightmare
Joe Grundy
I think that you should have worn one of those Tshirts that my daughter wants (she's a liittle bit bi-) with the slogan 'Yes we are, No you can't'.
....imagine that......elders counseling your husband about your fashion of dress.......instead of the "poor" ex-lesbian about her "unclean" thoughts
That's an interesting and rather humourous story better than the sad stories we usually hear about the dubs and the elders, and perhaps it could only happen in this kind of organisation.
Poor girl, did you do her the favour and dress more modestly? -
They told him that a sister in our hall came to the body of elders and complained that before she became a witness she was a lesbian and my revealing clothing made her have immoral thoughts about me and asked the elders to please have me change my wardrobe so her thoughts would stop.
OH MY GOODNESS. Can you imagine going to the BOE to tell them that!!!!! I am surprised she wasn't reproved.
it reminds me of why women in the Middle East have to wear burkas.....it's because the men may have unclean thoughts.
you didn't need to change the way you dressed she needed to stop looking down your blouse.
Ha I know that feeling! Reminds me of the time I got counselled to wear looser clothes around my chestal area as my breasts had been distracting another elder. (the same elder who had at one time had an affair with a regular pioneer). Yeah that was definately my bad!