I don't know if it was ever posted before:
"comic" strip
by richard 11 Replies latest watchtower medical
I've never seen that one before. Though I don't believe everything that chick tracts teach it was nicely done.
I like that. It would be good if all jws could be persuaded as easily.
I didn't like this comic when I was an active Witness ( I was given one at the doors and couldn't control my curiosity) and I still find it reprehensible now.
What puts me off about this comic is:
1) It portrayed the Witness elders as controlling buffoons who are out of their depth. Look at the bald head, the fat noses and the sloppy chins. That is unfair. Not all elders are as incompetent as that (or that ugly for that matter). Neither are all Witnesses insincere about their faith. Not all Witnesses put in hours out of fear of destruction at Armageddon. A good number of them do it because they genuinely believe they have the Truth. The stereotype is offensive. No Witness who realizes this would proceed to pay any heed to the message of the cartoon. I didn't. It was the main reason I burnt it in disgust so many years ago. But then again this comic wasn't made FOR a JW was it? (see point 3)
2) The good stranger is drawn with serene eyes, spouting off expose's on JW doctrine with sagacious calm. I didn't realize the signifance then, but isn't this the same kinda imagery the WTS employs in their publications? Should we applaud this same technique at influencing people's opinions?
3) The aim of the cartoon is not ONLY to prove the JW doctrines are wrong. No. It seeks to influence the reader to accept mainstream orthodoxy. For instance there is a pro-Trinitarian tone about it towards the end. There is nothing wrong with accepting mainstream Christianity, but I feel that the one should prove the JW beliefs are wrong on their own merit, and not because something else is the TRUTH. This comic reeks of the same kinda fundamentalistic antagonism and blind-faith that the JWs live by.
Sorry to tear this down to pieces, Richard. My annoyance is directed to the cartoonist(s), not you.
Chick comics are unintentionally hilarious, but I find it hard to believe that even the slowest, most gullible person could possibly be swayed in any way by the utter nonsense they espouse. Even by the standards of fundamentalist propaganda, they are puerile and simplistic, and brimming with a rabid hatred for anyone who believes anything even slightly different to Chick. But if the site's claims are anything to go by, people purchase bundles of these things and use them successfully to convert people to Chick's crazy, hateful take on Christianity. Anyone who is successfully deconverted from the Watchtower by a Chick tract is just not smart enough to be a JW!
I agree. It is a caricature. I just posted it to demonstrate the workings of the fundamentalist mindset.
It's worthless for "helping" a JW...IMHO.
Sorry, but I have read that before and it is so wrong. Why? Because it would never happen that way and the Witnesses would be so brain-washed that they would not even talk religion with the doctor, they would keep asking for elders and the girl would die. That would happen in a better world though, just not the real one.
That groups comic strips seem quite a bit fanatical.
Any "cram it down your throat" religion scares me now a days
I've run into plenty of Chick's little comics through the years. In my part of the country it is not all that unusual to see them left in public restrooms and some of the same places one will find Watchtowers. I agree the man is a fanatic and that his hatred for any viewpoint other than his own shows all the way through his comics. But then, he doesn't try to hide where he is coming from and it is easy to see what he is all about. I'll give the man that much.