Recently, I obtained some pdf copies of old Golden Age magazines. I haven't had much time to read these but I just came across the December 31, 1924 issue. I had heard the Golden Age was a bit odd...this confirms it. I thought the others here might enjoy reading it. I've put it up online at:
If you want to save it for your files just click on the save file button on the top bar.
It has stuff on the pyramids and they were still pushing 1925. It also contains an updated version of "A Bible for the Scientist."
One quote that really surpised me was this on page 195: "The special doctrines of the Christian Church, as presented by Jesus, its founder, have no application to the human race as such, but only to a special few who are called out to form a new administrative order, a new creation, entirely distinct from the human creation."
I know that's been the teaching but it seemed so strange to read so bald a statement as that.
I'm sure there are other gems in the article but what I've read so far has made this issue one of the most interesting I've ever read.