What in tarnations is a Revelation calendar???
What picture haunts you?
by unique1 25 Replies latest jw friends
It's my second mistake of the day!!!!!!
(FROM APOSTATE KATE) I have the one at Seans Research. I am looking for the one with a bull sitting on a thrown with glowing eyes. I have a friend who is working through some old fears and that picture is one of them.
Thanks Hello All!!!!! Thank you Kate for asking this question in the forum. I am the friend that she is referring to. :) Leolaia that picture was the one I was talking about. As I looked at it, it brought back the old feelings again. I did notice that in the center of the bull's forehead that there is a third eye. Looks like a satanic eye. Alot of the pictures have satanic symbolism in them. Have you all noticed that too?
Like Elswhere, I think that I was desensitized to it all by constant repetition. As a kid it just seemed normal , as everybody believed in a looming destruction (for everyone else that is)
Only since coming to my senses have I looked again and seen them as scary, crude and twisted. In more recent times this one from the Isaiah book haunted me - it seems an abuse of the animal kingdom - it seems a frightening threatening picture. It says "If you don't listen to me My God will unleash these animals on you!".. After all , WE are "the feast" Are we supposed to be drawn to such a God?
The Paradise Lost book piccies of Armageddon and the picture of Jonah in My Book of Bible Stories (I have a whale phobia).
Then that picture shouldn't have scared you--remember the Society teaches it was a fish. Remember all those gymnastics they'd go through to "prove" it?
I don't remember being afraid of any pictures, but my daughter was terrified of the picture of Jezebel about to be thrown out the window in "My Book of Bible Stories."
I agree with many here about the orange book
The IMAGE picture that haunts me is.................The elders taking someone to the back room.
I hate that.
Well, the one in the Bible Stories book made it look like a whale....the one in Life Forever was made to look like a shark.
That one of the foot stomping on the snakes head (in fulfillment of Genesis 3:15) in the old Paradise Lost book.....there was another creepy one in there......a picture of someone offering up a baby as a sacrifice to that idol with the calf's head......
Ckeeerist........The Brothers Grimm had nothing on the WTS when it came to scaring the shit out of kids with bedtime stories eh?
What I'm wondering is how many of you were at the age in which the "paradise book" was studied. I remember it in grade school..possibly kindergarten...can't remember.
But, when your that young, it might make a difference than an older kid studying it as to how much the pics effected you.
This morning I did a quick search on childrens bible stories (from christendom) and was going to start a thread on the difference of their pics for kids and the dubs. I found NONE as vicious as the dub pics. I had to look hard to find any that would scare a kid and found only one that was even questionable at least in my opinion .
Now...don't noone steal my thread idea cuz I might do one with side by side comparisons of each story... dubs vs. christendom.....and not too much cherry-pickin of dub stuff neither
Oh...so how old were you who weren't effected a tad by these pics? Did you all even study it...or browse through the pics once in awhile?