Yesterday morning, while repairing the hose valve outside, I saw a cat in the garage. He came to me and was rubbing against my legs. Since I already have a cat, and I happened to be at my parents house, and they don't want any animal on their lot, I just pet the cat once, and went inside. But the cat was meowing and wanted to come in, or me to go back out and take care of the cat, maybe feed him or give him water. I would have done all that, but my parents told me not to, because the cat would always be around and they don't want any pet.
So, last night, I gave the cat a bit of cat food and put the food half way beetween my parents house and the neighbors house...I knew the poor cat was hungry.
My mom saw me do that....she is always in the window....and told me this morning that I shouldn't do that, because the cat will never go away. I know that the cat was abandoned because the cat doesnt go away. He stays close by. He must have been dumped right in front of my parents house.
I don't want another cat, and my parents don't want any animal. Many times in the past, I had to bring a lost or abandoned animal to the local animal refuge. Back then, if no one claimed the animal or wanted to adopt the animal, they put the animal to sleep a few days later....
What would you do?