I desparately tried to avoid this thread about anglo & american superiority. I truly did, until I read the "poppycock" about the British War Efforts in the last century.
Perhaps anglophiles should refresh their ancient and modern memories a bit before launching such laughable tirades of triviality and supposed triumph.
First, did not the English employ mercenaries during the Battle of Hastings to win the 100 years war? (Since "expatbrit" is correcting me--I am modifying this)-- excuse me for my trivial error)
That pattern of hiding behind mercenaries was set long ago and continued even to the Malvinas Campaign. YES, I called those Argentinian Islands MALVINAS because they DO NOT belong to you and never will, despite your monarchial tyrranical presence.
Consider the American Revolutionary War, and the use of Hessians, onto WWI and the use of Australians and Canadians, and then WWII saw the use of Ghurkas, Indian Sikhs, Berbers in the desert, etc..etc..etc..
Monty was a pompous coward and that was known to Patton, Rommel and others. While British officers "dined" foreign troops faced the Afrika Korps, and the same occurred at Monte Cassino.
Therefore, whether you discuss Football (which was NOT invented in England -- only modern day rules were) or you choose to discuss military history, the FINAL CONCLUSION IS:
The British are NOT superior to anyone, in fact, apart from slavery, colonialism, royal treachery and the exploitation of numerous countries, there is not much to recount in a positive light.
Several things that will never come from England:
FINE ART (unless they steal it from somewhere)
They did give us the:
Rolling Stones
Led Zeppelin
The Who
And who could forget:
Simon Templar
James Bond
The Avengers
Benny Hill
Vicar of Dibley
Dr. Who
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Just my two cents....