"Will I be Saved"?

by Warlock 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock

    When I was about 12 years old, I used to see a religious show on Sunday mornings called "Amazing Prophecies". What the ministers name was, I don't remember. At the end of the show, he asked those who wanted to be saved and have Jesus come into their heart, to pray along with him, so I prayed along with him, because I wanted to be saved.

    About 13 years later, I become a J.W. and I now belong to a group that says they are "God's chosen people".

    Presently, I am inactive, but have never been d.f.'ed and have never d.a.'ed. I feel I didn't leave them, they left me.

    Here is my question: If the end comes the way the Bible says it will, but we don't know exactly whose interpretation will be played out, am I saved no matter who turns out to be correct?

  • moomanchu
    If the end comes the way the Bible says it will, but we don't know exactly whose interpretation will be played out, am I saved no matter who turns out to be correct?

    I think you (and me) need to drop the middleman AKA as organized religon.

    Wether your saved or not is between your heart condition and Jesus judgement of you.


    I think that some of you have it wrong. You can't help that you have been told wrong by Christians and cultists alike. God is not going to give you a theological quiz that you must pass you get into heaven, and if you flunk you are condemned to hell.

    God is going to ask a simple question, "By what merits do you, a sinner, have to enter my perfect kingdom?" According to Chrisitianity, it is by having trusted in the atoning work of Christ on the cross. According to every other religion it is by your work over your life. One way says I will do it my way, and the other, I will do it God's way. Since it's His invitation to His home, He makes the rules of entry.

  • Qcmbr

    From physical death ? Yes - you'll get resurrected just like everyone else if my reading of the scriptures is accurate.

    What else do you want to be saved from?

  • Warlock

    So, if the question is asked "By what merit..." my answer is that I accepted Jesus into my heart and life when I was 12 years old.



    Well, you're saved from the big one, eternal seperation from God.

  • lovelylil


    The end of the world is not coming, only the end of the gospel age. That being the time when Christians are gathered into the church of Christ. These are the ones that will be heavenly heirs with Christ. This age started at Pentecost when Jesus began to gather his church (body of true believers) and will continue until his second advent.

    Christ is only dealing with them at this time. At the end of this age, when the church is gathered, he will come to reign and judge the nations and all people who want to live under Christ's rulership will be able to do that. According to the bible 99.9% of the world will be saved and everything will be restored in Jesus Christ. I can show you biblical proof that all the ancient nations that Jehovah killed, are coming back for the judgement time. He only destroyed them temporarily because they interfered in some way for his carrying out his plan thru Isreal. They are not forever gone.

    This is the true gospel of Christ - that he came and died for all mankind, but Paul said that this message would be testified in due time. Each one will learn when God's time for them is to learn the true gospel. First the Jews, then the gentile part of the church, then all other nations in the world. The churches today have perverted the true gospel and they use fear tactics to scare people into joining their religion. If you want to know more about this and have scripture references, please pm me your email and I will be happy to share this information with you.

    Christ came to restore, not kill everyone. He will only destroy Babylon the Great which represents the religious, political and social systems that dominate mankind and teach false beliefs.

    If you accept God's arrangement when it is offered to you, during his son's reign, you will be saved. Only those who refuse to listen to Christ after they are given every opportunity to do so, will be removed from the earth. (stubborn goats).

    The thing is the bible overlays the time periods and things that happen after the kingdom is ruling and applied to our day and this is not correct. Anyway, feel free to contact me as I do not want you to be in fear of being destroyed. If anyone else wants to contact me, they can also. Lilly

  • Shazard

    Yes you are saved if you believe that Jesus hav died for you and rised and that he is Son of God.

  • funkyderek
    Here is my question: If the end comes the way the Bible says it will, but we don't know exactly whose interpretation will be played out, am I saved no matter who turns out to be correct?

    No, you're screwed either way. If the "Jesus saves" people are right, you accepted Jesus but later rejected him, and if the JWs are right you're an Evil Apostateā„¢

    Don't worry though. The real way to salvation is through the Invisible Pink Unicorn(PBUHHH). All you have to do is believe in her. Unless of course, it's really the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Then you're screwed.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Warlock - you had a TV set in 1942? WOW

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