RR says: Yes Lisa, what Nathan said. Bible Students believe that they will rule with Jesus in the Kingdom. So, in order for the Kingdom reign to begin, all those who profess to be of this ruling class, which is the Body of Christ, the Church, the 144,000 (pick one) will have to die, so they can receive their heavenly reward.
How do you know who profess to be of this "ruling class" ? Who will make up this 144,000? Will they be "white middle class" from the Western world? As so often is with groups who claim that a "ruling class" must be chosen before "the end" they all seem to be made up of white middle class types.
How long does it take God to chose 144,000 over 2,000 years and now from 6 billion people?
On the other hand, the rest of mankind, EVERYONE who has ever lives, will be taught in the Kingdom, and in the end, they will have to decide whether or not to serve the Lord.
If "EVERYONE" who ever lived is to be taught in the Kingdom. Why does Christ according to scripture need to return and to separate the sheep from the goats (Matt 25)
Are not people NOW deciding whether to serve the Lord or not? Is that not the point of the Gospel being preached?