The ark of the covenant was a primitive (well, it was wood) leyden jar: a capacitor.
The shekinah light was a coronal discharge between the two terminals, which were in the form of the cherubs.
My proposal: a team of aposta-engineers work together to
1. calculate the electrical properties of the ark of the covenant
2. BUILD a replica ark and determine if it operates within the anticipated performance range
I really don't think this is as wacky as it might first seem to be. We can do this! We will need to agree on the specs - given in archaic terms like "cubit", etc., but we can get around that. We will also be able to determine what specs were not given in the original Mosaic plan.
We need people with metalworking skills, woodworking skills and physics/electronics skills.
Imagine the look on their faces when a team of apostate techno-priests carries a functioning ark into a district convention! "Oops! don't touch that box!"