Joined? Stayed? Left?

by Mysterious 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Baptised in 1979 at 18, became inactive in 1980 and disassociated in 1987. I didn't like the JW society it was too cold and self centred for my liking (the promise that you will find many brothers and sisters in the org was totally false)and then I realised there were numerous things that were wrong with their beliefs.

  • luna2

    Started studying when I was 28, baptised at 30/31 (can't remember now), was active til 45, started fading, completed the fade by 46, was inactive but still believed it was at least partially true til last April, been completely out for the past year+. Slow learner.

  • TheListener

    Raised as a witness. Publisher at 7. Ministry School at 7. Baptized as a teen. Bethelite as a teen. Appointed as a teen.

    Faded away over the course of the last 4 years. Wow, has it really been that long. 4 years and I'm still not inactive! I've got problems committing to this fading thing! Oh yes, how could I forget it's not my lack of committment to the fade that's the problem; instead it's a little something called marriage. Fade too fast and it's called divorce.

    Nice thread.

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