I have a tenant, who is a single mother of two in her mid 20's. I found out the other day that she and her children are studying with the witnesses. I felt compelled to tell her that I too was an unbaptised publisher but had researched the religion just weeks before baptism. She simply stated to me that she was using both bibles and she walked off.
Well that was just not good enough for me ! What me ? Stop telling her about the lies and false prophecies ? No not this guy. I went to my local Christian book store and bought 2 books. One being 20 most asked questions about Jehovahs Witnesses and the other called Answering Jehovahs Witnesses. Both are very good books and lays it out so simply. I figured the young lady was going to college and was a bright person and would at least hear what I had to say or at least read the books ? Nope she told me exactly what I had heard all those times when I was knocking on doors. "Not Interested"
I do not feel bad that I wasted $20.00 bucks on books because I know someone someday will need these books but you could sure tell that either this lady was either already brain F**ked by the witnesses or she knew my mother who is about one of the most evil people I know. My mother will say and do anything to hurt me or my efforts of getting people out of that organisation as she knows very well that I am a member of this site and have been since 2001.
My question is this : How does a person break anothers mind free from being controlled ? I call it brain F**king. I need help with this one because I would hate to see her suffer in the future as we all did. Got any ideas ?