Do you know a guy named "BLOW?"

by free2beme 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Okay, this is a funny story and shows how I was kind of sheltered as a Witness.

    About a couple years ago, I went to Las Vegas to visit a friend and have some fun. I was with one of my friends who went with me, and my spouse was at home. We were walking down the strip, wasting time until my friend got off work and we had some big plans for the evening. Well, as we are walking down the street, this guy walks up to me and is all nice and all. He ask me, "Do you know a guy named BLOW?" I said, "No, just in town for the weekend and not from around here." The guy looked at me weird and went away. A little while later we were stopping for a minute to make a cell phone call and another guy walks up to us and says, "Do you know a guy named BLOW?" I thought, this is weird, two people asking me for the same guy, this guy must be pretty well known. Again though, we explained that we did not know a guy named BLOW. Well, it happened again about an hour later and this time I decided to help out these people a bit. I responded, "No, I do not, but if you could tell me where he is staying, like hotel and room, I noticed a lot of his friends are looking for him and I will tell them how to find him." This guy looked at me like I was insane, and was walking away while I was trying to be helpful.

    Well, later that evening I met up with my friend from Vegas and as we were talking I told him about all these weird request and how everyone was looking for this guy named BLOW. I explained how I tried to help. My friend starts laughing hysterically, and comments that I really need to get out of my small town America world more often. Apparently, and I am sure several people reading this already know, if someone ask you "Do you know a guy named BLOW?" They are asking for drugs. So to this day, when this friend in Vegas e-mails me, I get comments about this. What can I say, I did worldly stuff as a teen and I am by no means a Witness now, but I never heard this before until that night. Oh, and I am not looking for a guy named BLOW.

    So, anyone else ever run across something like this. Where something happens that the rest of the world seems to get, and yet you do not?

  • Arthur


    That's hilarious. It's funny you bring this up. Just tonight, I was talking with some buddies of mine. One of them was making fun of the other guy for smoking menthol cigarettes. I asked: "Whats the difference between a regular and a menthol cigarette?" They thought that was pretty funny, and then explained it to me.

    Here's another story. I was out at Denny's with several friends about a month ago. One of the girls is getting married and was talking about her bachelorette party she's going to have in Las Vegas. One of her friends said to her: "When we're in Vegas, we're going to have to go experience the 'thunder from down under' ".

    Like a real dumbass, instead of just staying quiet, I had to ask:"What's the thunder from down under?"

    Everyone at the table started cracking up. I just smiled, pretended to sip my Pepsi, and never did find out what they meant.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings free2beme,

    I enjoyed the post and question. But, I do know 3 people named Blow.


  • jgnat

    City girls can "blow it" as well. When I trained in rural Alberta I cracked up my adult students when I enthusiastically described all the "baby cows" in the fields.

  • misanthropic

    ::it happened again about an hour later and this time I decided to help out these people a bit. I responded, "No, I do not, but if you could tell me where he is staying, like hotel and room, I noticed a lot of his friends are looking for him and I will tell them how to find him." This guy looked at me like I was insane, and was walking away while I was trying to be helpful. That's just priceless! And all the while I was reading your story I had a visual of it happening, well told!

  • Mary

    freetobeme, don't worry.....I didn't know what it was either. In fact, when I first started reading your thread, I was wondering if they were looking for someone to perform oral sex on them. LOL!!

  • luna2
    I was wondering if they were looking for someone to perform oral sex on them.

    Me too, Mary. LOL So sad.

    Oh, and isn't the Thunder from Down Under a revue of hunky strippers from Australia? Mmmm

  • daystar

    That's pretty hilarious!

    I felt the same way most of my developing years. I didn't know what the deal was with Willy Wonka, or just about any holiday. I always felt like the outsider, always out of the loop.

    It sucked.

  • misanthropic

    ::freetobeme, don't worry.....I didn't know what it was either. In fact, when I first started reading your thread, I was wondering if they were looking for someone to perform oral sex on them. LOL!!
    I don't think anyone would have to be so discrete there looking for sex. I'm pretty sure prostitution is still legal there.

  • free2beme
    In fact, when I first started reading your thread, I was wondering if they were looking for someone to perform oral sex on them. LOL!!

    I had never even thought of that. LOL

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